
硅油眼内填充后对视网膜及视神经的影响 被引量:5

Effects of intraocular tamponade with silicone oil on retina and optic nerve
摘要 硅油的理化性质稳定,被广泛作为一种较长期的眼内填充物质使用。近来的研究发现硅油对视网膜及视神经存在一定的损害。硅油相关视网膜病变主要有视网膜结构改变及变薄、硅油小滴浸润视网膜组织。超微结构显示硅油填充后神经元细胞尤其是感光细胞发生变性、凋亡,同时硅油填充眼的视网膜血管结构及血液流变学发生改变。硅油相关视神经病变主要表现为视神经损害甚至萎缩、有髓神经纤维的减少、硅油小滴的视神经浸润,甚至眼外迁徙至中枢神经系统。 Silicone oil has stable physical and chemical properties and is widely used as a long-term intraocular tamponade material. Recent studies have found that silicone oil has certain damage to the retina and optic nerve.Silicone oil-related retinopathy mainly includes retinal structural changes and thinning,and the infiltration of silicone oil droplets into retinal tissue.Ultrastructure shows that neuron cells, especially photoreceptor cells,will undergo degeneration and apoptosis after silicone oil tamponade.Meanwhile,retinal vascular structure and hemorheology of silicone oil-filled eyes will change. Silicone oil-related optic neuropathy is mainly manifested as optic nerve damage or even atrophy,reduction of myelinated nerve fibers,optic nerve infiltration of silicone oil dreoplets,and even extrocular migration to the central nervous system.
作者 金琴辉 张昕 杨友谊 JIN Qinhui;ZHANG Xin;YANG Youyi(Department of Ophthalmology, Luqiao Hospital of Enze Medical Center, Taizhou 318050, China)
出处 《中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志》 2019年第3期212-216,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology
关键词 硅油 视网膜 视神经 Silicone oil Retina Optic nerve
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