
金针菇子实体多糖FVPB2对小鼠T淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞的免疫调节作用 被引量:11

Immunomodulatory effect of homogeneous polysaccharide FVPB2 from fruiting bodies of Flammulina filiformis on T lymphocytes and macrophages of mice
摘要 从金针菇子实体中分离纯化得到均一多糖FVPB2,其分子量为15kDa,是由葡萄糖、半乳糖、岩藻糖和甘露糖组成的吡喃型杂多糖,利用C57BL/6小鼠脾淋巴细胞和骨髓巨噬细胞研究FVPB2对免疫功能的影响,体外免疫实验表明,FVPB2能促进T淋巴细胞激活并分泌肿瘤坏死因子和干扰素γ细胞因子,同时还能够促进巨噬细胞产生一氧化氮,分泌白介素-1β、白介素-6和肿瘤坏死因子-α细胞因子。本研究以首次从金针菇子实体中获得均一多糖FVPB2为研究对象,观察其对T细胞和巨噬细胞的免疫调节活性,研究结果表明其具有良好的免疫调节活性和潜在的生物学功能。 The homogeneous polysaccharides FVPB2 from the fruiting body of Flammulina filiformis were separated and purified for the first time.The purified polysaccharide was a heteropolysaccharide consisting of D-glucose,D-galactose,L-fucose,and D-mannose,with an average molecular weight of about 1.5×10~4Da.The immunoactivity of FVPB2 in vitro was evaluated on spleen lymphocyte and bone marrow macrophage in C57BL/6 mice.In vitro immunomodulatory studies showed FVPB2 induced T lymphocyte activation,and stimulated TNF and IFN-γsecretion of T lymphocyte.FVPB2 also could induce NO production and IL-1β,IL-6and TNF-αsecretion of bone marrow macrophage.It was proved that the homogenous polysaccharide FVPB2could enhance non-specific immune response and specific immune responses in vitro.
作者 余冬生 吴莹莹 冯婷 张劲松 张赫男 吴迪 杨焱 刘肖肖 刘振东 贾薇 汪雯翰 YU Dong-Sheng;WU Ying-Ying;FENG Ting;ZHANG Jing-Song;ZHANG He-Nan;WU Di;YANG Yan;LIU Xiao-Xiao;LIU Zhen-Dong;JIA Wei;WANG Wen-Han(College of Food Science & Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306,China;Institute of Edible Fungi, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Key Laboratory of Edible Fungal Resources and Utilization (South), Ministry of Agriculture, China, National Engineering Research Center of Edible Fungi, National R & D Center for Edible Fungal Processing,Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genetics and Breeding of Shanghai, Shanghai 201403,China;Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College, Linzhi, Tibet 860000,China;Shenzhen Innova Nanobodi Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong 518075,China;College of Chinese Traditional Medicine,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun,Jilin 130118,China)
出处 《菌物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期982-992,共11页 Mycosystema
基金 上海市农业科学院卓越团队[农科创2017(A-06)] 上海市现代农业产业体系[沪农科产字(2019)第9号]~~
关键词 吡喃型杂多糖 脾淋巴细胞 腿骨骨髓巨噬细胞 细胞因子 pyran heteropolysaccharide spleen lymphocytes leg bone marrow macrophages cytokines
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