数字经济已经升级为2. 0,发展为数据经济。数据的生产、流通和分析利用成为数据经济的核心,数据资源的社会化和市场化利用制度是数据经济发展的基础。目前将数据视为公共资源的自由利用模式不能支撑数据经济的运行和发展,而试图为大数据应用提供基础数据资源的政府数据开放仍然旨在释放自由数据,难以成为数据经济的重要支撑。数据社会化利用应当采取自由开放(利用)模式和受控开放(利用)两种模式,而且两种利用模式既适用于公共领域,也适用于私人领域。限于政府数据开放且单一的自由开放模式是不全面的,只有政府(公共部门)与私人领域协同实施"自由开放"与"受控开放"的全面的数据开放制度,才能构筑数据经济发展运行的基本制度。
The development of digital economy has reached the stage 2.0,that is,data economy.The production,sharing and analysis of data have become the core of data economy.In order to develop data economy,we need to treat data as resources and construct a socialization and market-oriented way to utilize data resources.The current free use model in which data is regarded as public goods can not support the operation and development of the data economy.The government data releasing,attempting to provide basic data resources for big data applications,is still difficult to support the data economy for being based on the free data use model.This paper proposes that there are two modes for universal socialization use of data resources:free use mode and controlled use mode,and these two modes are applicable to both public and private sector.It is very limited for government to provide "open data" for the society to use freely.Only when the universal data sharing system is realized where the public sector and the private sector provide their data to the society with "free use" and "controlled use" modes,the basic institution of data economic development and operation can be constructed.
Social Sciences in Guangdong