
Change of Water-Soluble-Protein, Urea-Soluble-Protein and Membrane Intrinsic Protein in Human Senile Cataract

Change of Water-Soluble-Protein, Urea-Soluble-Protein and Membrane Intrinsic Protein in Human Senile Cataract
摘要 Purpose:To analyze the change of water-soluble-protein(WSP),urea-soluble-protein(USP)and membrane intrinsic protein(MIP)in human senile catarct.Methods:The water-soluble-fractions(WSF)were prepared basically according to the method of Kibbelear,et al.But in this study,5mmol/LB-mercaptoethanol was added to the buffer solution.The urea-soluble-fractions(USF)were pre-pared basically according to the method of Kibbelear,et al.Lens fiber cell mem-branes were purified basically according to the method of Russell,et al.SDS-PAGE were performed according to the procedure of Laemmili,et al.using re-solving gel13%and3%stacking gel.Results:The WSPwas fractionated intoHM^+α^-,β1-3^-andγ-crystallin compo-nents.In nuclear cataractous lenses HM^+α^-and B-crystallin increase,while r-crystallin decrease.The USP from clear lenses contains mainlyαβchains of22KD,whereas in cataractous lenses,especially in nuclear cataractous lenses,the relative amount of the 28-and23KDpolypeptide(the components of β-crys-tallin)increased markedly.Lens fiber cell MIP,clear lens and cataract lens con-tained the main polypeptide of 27KD(MIP)and23KD(MP23).Conclusion:The water-insolube protein,whether in quantity or in quality,plays an important role in cataract formation.Eye Science 1995,11:124-127. Purpose: To analyze the change of water-soluble-protein (WSP), urea-soluble-protein (USP) and membrane intrinsic protein (MIP) in human senile catarct. Methods:The water-soluble-fractions (WSF) were prepared basically according to the method of Kibbelear, et al. But in this study, 5mmol/L B-mercaptoethanol was added to the buffer solution. The urea-soluble-fractions (USF) were prepared basically according to the method of Kibbelear, et al. Lens fiber cell membranes were purified basically according to the method of Russell, et al. SDS-PAGE were performed according to the procedure of Laemmili, et al. using resolving gel 13% and 3% stacking gel. Results: The WSP was fractionated into HM+α-, β1-3- and γ-crystallin components. In nuclear cataractous lenses HM + α- and B-crystallin increase, while r-crystallin decrease. The USP from clear lenses contains mainly αβ chains of 22KD, whereas in cataractous lenses, especially in nuclear cataractous lenses, the relative amount of the 28- and 23KD polypeptide (the components of β-crys-tallin) increased markedly. Lens fiber cell MIP, clear lens and cataract lens contained the main polypeptide of 27KD(MIP) and 23KD (MP23). Conclusion: The water-insolube protein, whether in quantity or in quality, plays an important role in cataract formation. Eye Science 1995; 11:124-127.
出处 《眼科学报》 1995年第3期124-127,共4页 Eye Science
关键词 白内障 老年人 WSP USP MIP 发病机制 cataract, water-soluble protein (WSP), membrane intrinsic urea-soluble protein (USP), protein (MIP)
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