Sonoluminescence can be explained by treating the bubbles as IRasers with standing waves in resonance with the bubble dimensions.Since the IRaser resonant radiation is required to satisfy wave boundary conditions,the water molecules lining the bubble walls undergo a continuous population inversion as the bubble collapses. By stimulated processes,the Planck energy accumulates as the KbT energy of radiation photons is pumped from the surroundings through the rotational state of the water molecule. Bubble collapse occurs almostisothermally with the high IR absorptivity of the water molecule permitting the Planck energy to accumulate to 2~6eV only to be released by VIS-UV photon emission because of the low absorptivity of water at VIS-UV frequencies. As the IRaser cavity dimensions collapse to the spacing between water molecules at liquid density,soft X-rays at about 2 keV are predicted.But, this is less than 10keV necessary for cold fusion so that no neutrons is directly expected yet. Therefore, it is suggested that UV laser enhancement is used to accumulate further bubble collapse energy.
Theory, Sonoluminescence,Infrared, Ultraviolet, Cold fusion, Soft X-rays, Neutrons