Under the condition of steady state, the pressure drop of coolant is mainly caused by friction along the cable. In the CICC (cable-in-conduit-conductor), helium flow within the conductor consists of two parallel interconnected tubes. The velocity distribution has some differece between the central channel and conductor space. The region of Reynolds number is from 103 to 106. This paper describes the calculation of pressure drop of HT-7U CICC at various mass flows. It is assumed that the coolant flows in two parallel, rough tubes during the calculation.
Under the condition of steady state, the pressure drop of coolant is mainly caused by friction along the cable. In the CICC (cable-in-conduit-conductor), helium flow within the conductor consists of two parallel interconnected tubes. The velocity distribution has some differece between the central channel and conductor space. The region of Reynolds number is from 103 to 106. This paper describes the calculation of pressure drop of HT-7U CICC at various mass flows. It is assumed that the coolant flows in two parallel, rough tubes during the calculation.
This work was supported by the National Meg-science Engineering Project of the Chinese Government.