
荷兰3016杨耐盐变异体的筛选 被引量:2

Establishment of NaCl-tolarant Somaclonal Variant Plant of P.×canadensis ‘N3016’
摘要 以荷兰3016杨一年生健壮无病虫害的扦插苗为试验材料,对其叶柄诱导形成的愈伤组织,采用固体培养和液体培养2种方式进行耐NaCl变异体筛选,建立其高效的无菌苗再生体系。结果表明,固体培养方式通过有盐培养→无盐培养→有盐培养的选择程序,获得了耐0.2%和0.4%NaCl水平的不定芽,对不定芽进行生根诱导,获得了完整植株。液体培养方式获得了耐0.2%和0.4%NaCl水平的悬浮细胞系,悬浮细胞系经植板培养未能形成愈伤组织。 This research attempts to create a highly efficient regeneration system of aseptic seedlings cultivated from one-year-old cut branches of the P.×canadensis species known as‘N3016’Dutch poplar.Salt(NaCl)tolerant mutants were screened from petiole callus by both solid culture and liquid culture techniques with NaCl as selector.For the solid culture,a selection of adventitious buds with 0.2%and 0.4%NaCl tolerance were then obtained through a procedure with steps from salt culture to salt-free culture to salt culture,which will then be induced for rooting to grow into full seedlings.When it comes to the liquid culture process,suspension culture cell lines with 0.2%and 0.4%NaCl tolerance were obtained in the process,which could not form callus after plate culture.
作者 纪纯阳 彭儒胜 梁德军 胡伟平 王伟 赵洪波 矫丽曼 赵继梅 赵鑫闻 李晓宇 王敏 JI Chun-yang;PENG Ru-sheng;LIANG De-jun;HU Wei-ping;WANG Wei;ZHAO Hong-bo;JIAO Li-man;ZHAO Ji-mei;ZHAO Xin-wen;LI Xiao-yu;WANG Min(Liaoning Poplar Research Institute,Gaizhou Liaoning 115213,P.R.China;Liaoning Forest Seedling Management Station,Shenyang Liaoning 110036,P.R.China;Forestry Work station of Xinbin County,Fushun Liaoning 113200,P.R.China;Taohuachi Forest Farm,Kazuo Liaoning 122300,P.R.China)
出处 《西部林业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第6期29-34,40,共7页 Journal of West China Forestry Science
基金 国家重点研发计划课题“欧美杨工业资源材高效培育技术研究”(2016YFD0600401)
关键词 荷兰3016杨 耐盐变异体 固体培养 液体培养 P.×canadensis‘N3016’ NaCl-tolarant somaclonal variant plant solid culture liquid culture
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