
“教康整合、普特结合”复合型特殊教育人才培养模式的探索与实践——以重庆师范大学特殊教育专业为例 被引量:6

Exploration and Practice of Talents Training Model of Compound Special Education Specialty Based on “Integration of Education and Rehabilitation, Combination of Special Education and General Education”:Take Special Education Major of Chongqing Normal Uni
摘要 为培养"教康整合、普特结合"的复合型特殊教育专业人才,重庆师范大学特殊教育专业依据特殊教育发展需求,确定"教康整合、普特结合"的复合型人才培养目标;以培养目标及岗位能力为导向,构建"五位一体"的专业核心课程群;为提升教师教育康复专业能力,建立专家教师合作共同体。目前,"教康整合、普特结合"的复合型人才培养模式已经形成,特殊教育专业大学生专业能力得到显著增长。但是,还需要处理好复合型专业能力与有限课时之间的关系、人才培养主体与就业单位之间的关系。 In order to cultivate the compound special education professionals with " integration of education and rehabilitation,combination of special education and general education", Chongqing Normal University based on the development needs of special education, determines the personnel training objective of " integration of education and rehabilitation,combination of special education and general education", constructs the core curriculum group of "five-in-one" specialty guided by the training objectives and post competence, establishes the specialist-teacher combination to enhance teachers’ professional competence of education and rehabilitation. At present, the compound talent training mode of integration of education and rehabilitation,combination of special education and general education" has been established, and the professional ability of special education students has increased significantly. Some suggestions are given on the relationship between the compound professional ability and limited class hours, as well as the relationship between the main body of talent training and the employment units.
作者 魏寿洪 WEI Shouhong(College of Education Science,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331;The Chongqing Essential Laboratory of Psychological Diagnosis and Education Technology for Children With Special Needs,Chongqing 401331)
出处 《现代特殊教育》 2019年第18期27-32,共6页 Modern Special Education
基金 2019年度重庆市研究生教育教学改革研究项目“研究生案例教学库建设及其运作机制研究——以特殊教育专业为例”(yjg193092)阶段性成果
关键词 教康整合 普特结合 复合型 人才培养模式 integration of education and rehabilitation combination of special education and general education personnel training model
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