

A Critique of the “Everydayness” of Western Aesthetics of Everyday Life
摘要 当代西方美学的一个重要发展趋势是日常生活美学思潮的兴起。在一定程度上,日常生活美学是对"分析美学"专注于艺术的传统的反拨,它将美学的触角转向了以往遭到分析美学所忽视和贬低的那些普通而平凡的日常生活经验。通过对于审美经验的"日常性"的关注,日常生活美学试图恢复审美与人类生活之间的连续性。作为对当代艺术与文化最新进展的直接回应,日常生活美学本质上蕴含对"日常生活""审美经验"和"艺术"等观念的重新思考和重新界定。这些新的视角,有助于理解和欣赏艺术、审美和人类日常生活之间的关系,但另一方面,日常生活美学的建构仍然面临某些理论困境。 An important trend of contemporary western aesthetics is the rise of the aesthetics of everyday life. To some extent, the aesthetics of everyday life is a reaction against the art-centered tradition of analytic aesthetics prevailed in the second half of the 20 th century, and it draws the attention of aesthetics to the ordinary, quotidian everyday experience, which used to be ignored and even suppressed by traditional aesthetics. With its focus on the "everydayness" of aesthetic experience, the aesthetics of everyday life tries to restore the continuity between the aesthetics and human everyday life. As a direct response to the recent developments in contemporary art and culture, the aesthetics of everyday life in essence contains a re-examination and re-definition of the concepts of "everyday life," "aesthetic experience," and "art." With its new perspectives, the aesthetics of everyday life sheds light on the relations among art, the aesthetics, and the human everyday life. Yet, the aesthetics of everyday life still has to overcome some difficulties.
作者 邓文华 DENG Wen-hua(School of Foreign Studies,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510515,China)
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第1期55-60,共6页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 广东省哲学社会科学“十二五”规划一般项目(GD15CWW03)
关键词 日常生活美学 日常性 审美经验 艺术 aesthetics of everyday life everydayness aesthetic experience art
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