利用和田绿洲空气质量日报数据和同期的常规气象资料,分析了2015年1月1日至2017年12月31日该区的空气质量特征,探讨了气象条件和空气质量之间的相互关系。结果表明:和田绿洲近3 a平均环境空气质量指数(AQI)为199,达到空气质量中度污染标准,污染天数占总日数的78.1%。其中,春季空气质量最差,以严重污染为主;其次是夏季,以轻度和严重污染为主;再次是秋季和冬季,以轻度污染为主。PM10、PM2.5浓度年平均分别为332μg·m^-3和100μg·m^-3,超标率为75.7%和49.5%,其余污染物超标率在3%以下,其中PM10浓度春季最大,夏、秋季其次,冬季最小;PM2.5浓度春季最大,夏、冬季其次,秋季最小;SO2、NO2、CO浓度冬季最大,秋、春季次之,夏季最小;O3浓度夏季最大,春、秋季次之,冬季最小。除降水量外,AQI与其余气象因子均呈极显著相关;除平均气温与PM2.5、相对湿度与CO、降水量与SO2、PM10、O3、PM2.5无相关外,其余气象因子对污染物浓度均有显著影响;能见度与AQI和各类污染物浓度均为极显著相关。随着能见度的上升,AQI下降,在同样能见度条件下,AQI在沙尘多发期的夏半年高于沙尘少发期的冬半年;不管在沙尘多发期还是少发期,随着能见度的转好,SO2、PM10、CO、PM2.5浓度呈减少趋势,O3浓度呈增多趋势,NO2浓度无明显的规律,而且PM10、O3、PM2.5浓度夏半年高于冬半年,SO2、CO、NO2浓度冬半年高于夏半年。在沙尘天气期间,最低能见度小于1 km的浓浮尘和沙尘暴天气AQI相互接近,最低能见度在1~3. 5 km的浮尘和扬沙天气AQI相互接近,当最低能见度大于3.5 km时,浮尘天气的AQI高于扬沙天气的AQI;PM10、PM2.5浓度随着最低能见度升高而变小,其他污染物浓度虽然随着最低能见度的变化有一定的差别,但规律不明显。
Using the daily air quality data and conventional meteorological data obtained from Hotan oasis,Xinjiang,China,air quality characteristics from January 1,2015 to December 31,2017 were analyzed and the relation between meteorological elements and air quality was determined. Results showed that the average air quality index (AQI) over these three years in Hotan oasis was 199,indicating moderate air pollution. The number of polluted days accounted for 78. 1% of the total number of days. During these years,the worst air quality was observed in spring,where days with heavy pollution accounted for the majority of the recorded polluted days. During summer,the days with mild and heavy pollution accounted for the majority of the recorded polluted days. During autumn and winter,days with mild pollution accounted for the majority of the recorded pollution days. The annual average concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 were 332 and 100 μg·m-3,respectively. The number of days exceeding the standard for these pollutants accounted for 75. 7% and 49. 5% of the total days,whereas the number of days exceeding standards for other pollutants was less than 3%. The PM10 concentration was the highest in spring,followed by summer and autumn,and it was the lowest in the winter. The PM2.5 concentration was the highest in spring,followed by summer and winter,and it was the lowest in autumn. The SO2,NO2,and CO concentrations were the highest in winter,followed by spring and autumn,and it was the lowest in summer. The O3 concentration was the highest in summer,followed by spring and autumn,and it was the lowest in winter. Except in the case of precipitation,AQI was significantly correlated with all meteorological elements. The meteorological elements generally had a considerable influence on individual AQI;however,average temperature was not significantly correlated with PM2.5,relative humidity was not significantly correlated with CO,and precipitation was not significantly correlated with SO2,PM10,O3,and PM2.5. Visibility was significantly correlated with AQI and various pollutant concentration,and AQI declined with increasing visibility. With respect to the visibility,the AQI was higher in the summer half-year with heavy dust than that in the winter half-year with mild dust. As the visibility improved,the SO2,PM10,CO,and PM2.5 concentrations tended to decrease,O3 and NO2 concentrations increased,and the NO2 concentration did not show any obvious trend. The PM10,O3,and PM2.5 concentrations were higher in the summer half-year than in the winter half-year. The SO2,CO,and NO2 concentrations were higher in the winter half-year than in the summer half-year. During dusty days,the pollution concentration of dense floating dust was close to that of a sandstorm when the lowest visibility was less than 1 km,whereas it was close that of blowing sand when the lowest visibility was 1-3. 5 km and higher than that of a sandstorm when the lowest visibility was more than 3. 5 km. The PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations decreased with increasing visibility. The changes in concentration of other pollutants did not reach a significant level although the concentration of these pollutants varied based on visibility.
Maimaitiabudoula Yimier;Bupatiman Aibaidoula;CHEN Tian-yu;Mayila Maimaiti;ZHAO Yu-qian(Hotan Meteorological Bureau,Hotan 848000,Xinjiang,China;Hotan Airport,Xinjiang Airport(Group)Co.Ltd.,Hotan 848000,Xinjiang,China)
Arid Zone Research
air quality
meteorological elements