
三穗鸭蛋壳品质关联基因CALM1突变位点SNPs的鉴定与分析 被引量:1

Identification and Analysis of SNPs of Eggshell Quality Related CALM1 Gene Mutation in Sansui Duck
摘要 钙调蛋白(calmodulin,CaM)是钙信号的主要介质,可以调节许多与神经功能相关的过程,能介导Ca2+与细胞功能的外部信号的关键信使。本文以114只三穗鸭DNA为模板,通过PCR直接测序法,分析基因突变对三穗鸭蛋壳品质的影响。结果表明:从三穗鸭CALM1基因6对特异性引物中共发现3个突变SNPs位点,分别位于第2内含子g.21554634A>G、第3内含子g.21554954T>C和第4内含子g.21558072A>T,多态性分析均属于中度多态(0.50>P>0.25),卡方(χ^2)检验结果显示各位点基因型分布未偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡。在关联性分析中3个位点对蛋壳厚度、蛋壳强度和蛋重都达到了一定的影响,对蛋壳强度达到了极显著的影响。因此,可通过筛选3个位点的AA、TT和AA基因型来提高蛋壳的强度,减少在运输过程的损失。 Calmodulin(CaM) is the main mediator of calcium signals,which can regulate many processes related to neural function,and is a key messenger that can mediate external signals of Ca2+and cell function. The DNA of 114 Sansui ducks in this paper was used as a template to analyze the effect of gene mutation on the eggshell quality of Sansui ducks by direct PCR sequencing. The results showed that 3 SNPs mutations in 6 specific primers of CALM1 gene of Sansui duck were found,which were located in the second intron g.21554634 A> G mutation,the third intron g.21554954 T> C mutation and the fourth intron g.21558072 A> T mutation. Polymorphism analysis are all moderate polymorphisms(0.50> P> 0.25). Chi-square(χ^2) test results showed that the genotype distribution of each point does not deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(P> 0.05). In the correlation analysis,three loci had a certain effect on egg shell thickness,egg shell strength,and egg weight,and had an extremely significant effect on egg shell strength(P <0.01). Screening AA,TT and AA genotypes selected in three locis could increase eggshell strength and reduce losses during transport. In words,the SNPs identified in this experiment contribute to the genetic improvement of eggshell quality.
作者 李杰章 吴磊 谭光辉 覃媛钰 张依裕 LI Jiezhang;WU Lei;TAN Guanghui;QIN Yuanyu;ZHANG Yiyu(Key Laboratory of Genetics,Breeding and Reproduction of Plateau Mountain Animals,Ministry of Education,College of Animal Science,Guizhou University,Guiyang, Guizhou 550025,China)
出处 《山地农业生物学报》 2020年第1期67-72,共6页 Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology
基金 国家自然科学基金(31760663) 贵州省科技人才补助项目(黔科合平台人才[2017]5788) 贵州省千层次创新人才项目。
关键词 CALM1基因 SNPS 三穗鸭 蛋壳品质 CALM1 gene SNPS Sansui duck eggshell quality
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