The Dian-shi Zhai Pictorial was founded under the conflict of new and old culture in the late Qing Dynasty.Based on China,it innovates and adjusts the characters and pictures in the pictorial.This pictorial perfectly integrates news and art in the form of artistic dissemination of pictures and texts,and adapts to the needs of the society for news and new knowledge at that time.At the same time,Wu Youru,the editor in chief and main painter of pictorial,reflected some problems in the artistic dissemination of pictures and texts.
贵州省2018年度哲学社会科学规划国学单列课题阶段性成果,宋元时期宋人别集的编纂与刊刻研,Serial Number 18GZGX25
北京文化产业与出版传媒研究基地建设经费项目,中国“古典文学”与文化的影像化、数据化传播研,Serial Number 04190119001/028.