This article is committed to deal with measure of non-compactness of operators in Banach spaces.Firstly,the collection C(X)(consisting of all nonempty closed bounded convex sets of a Banach space X endowed with the uaual set addition and scaler multiplication)is a normed semigroup,and the mapping J from C(X)onto F(Ω)is a fully order-preserving positively linear surjective isometry,whereΩis the closed unit ball of X^*and F(Ω)the collection of all continuous and w^*-lower semicontinuous sublinear functions on X^*but restricted toΩ.Furthermore,both EC=JC-JC and EK=JK-JK are Banach lattices and EK is a lattice ideal of EC.The quotient space EC/EK is an abstract M space,hence,order isometric to a sublattice of C(K)for some compact Haudorspace K,and(FQJ)C which is a closed cone is contained in the positive cone of C(K),where Q:EC→EC/EK is the quotient mapping and F:EC/EK→C(K)is a corresponding order isometry.Finally,the representation of the measure of non-compactness of operators is given:Let BX be the closed unit ball of a Banach space X,thenμ(T)=μ(T(BX))=||(F QJ)T(BX)||C(K),∀T∈B(X).
Qinrui SHEN
沈钦锐(School of Mathematics and Statistics,Minnan Normal University,Zhangzhou 363000,China)
The project supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11801255)。