
湖南邵阳县油茶生产气候适宜性分析 被引量:3

Climatic Suitability for Camellia oleifera Production in Shaoyang,Hunan
摘要 为实现对油茶生产的气候适宜性定量评估,本研究从油茶种植的气候适宜性、生产气候条件和气象灾害3个方面,构建油茶生产的气候适宜性评价指标体系,并在此基础上,根据邵阳县1961—2018年逐日气温、降水和日照等资料,对邵阳县油茶生产的气候条件和灾害风险进行了分析。结果表明:1961—2018年,邵阳县年平均气温、≥10℃活动积温、最冷月平均气温、最热月平均气温和年相对湿度95%以上的年份处于最适范围。油茶花芽分化期和开花期平均气温,邵阳县所有年份均处于适宜范围;果实膨大高峰期和油脂转化期,降水量处于适宜范围的年数分别达93.1%和84.5%。邵阳县油茶生产过程中主要的气象灾害有高温、干旱、低温冻害和连阴雨等,灾害风险相对较低,而且在气候变化背景下,这些灾害均有减轻的趋势。 To quantitatively assess the climatic adaptability of Camellia oleifera production in Shaoyang,an evaluation index system of climatic condition for Camellia oleifera production was constructed from three aspects of climatic suitability,climatic condition and meteorological disasters.Based on the evaluation index system,climate condition and disaster risk of Camellia oleifera production were analyzed with daily temperature,precipitation and sunshine history data from 1961 to 2018.The results showed that during 1961-2018,more than 95%of the years had the annual temperature,active accumulated temperature above 10℃,average temperature of the coldest and hottest months,and annual relative humidity in the optimum range.The average temperature in Camellia oleifera flower bud differentiation stage and flowering stage in all years in Shaoyang were in the appropriate range.During the peak period of fruit enlargement and stage of oil transformation,the number of years with suitable precipitation reached 93.1%and 84.5%,respectively.The main meteorological disasters for Camellia oleifera production in Shaoyang included high temperature,drought,freezing damage at low temperature and continuous rain.Risks of these disasters were low,and under the background of climate change,these disasters had a mitigating trend.
作者 廖要明 潘江萍 吕渊 Liao Yaoming;Pan Jiangping;Lv Yuan(Laboratory for Climate Studies/National Climate Center,Beijing 100081,China;Meteorological Bureau of Shaoyang County,Shaoyang 422100,Hunan,China;Meteorological Bureau of Shaoyang City,Shaoyang 422000,Hunan,China)
出处 《农学学报》 2020年第7期62-68,共7页 Journal of Agriculture
基金 国家重点研发计划项目“小麦生产系统对气候变化的响应机制及其适应性栽培途径”(2017YFD0300201) 国家重点研发计划项目“京津冀超大城市和城市群的气候变化影响和适应研究”(2018YFA0606304) 公益性行业(气象)科研专项“干旱气象科学研究——我国北方干旱致灾过程及机理”(GYHY201506001)。
关键词 油茶 气候条件 高温 干旱 低温冻害 连阴雨 邵阳县 Camellia oleifera Climate Condition High Temperature Drought Freezing Damage at Low Temperature Continuous Rain Shaoyang County
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