
试验舰PTP时间同步系统设计 被引量:1

Design of PTP Time Synchronization System on Trial Ship
摘要 针对当前靶场试验舰时间同步系统的不足,设计了一种基于PTP协议的高可靠性时间同步系统。研究分析PTP同步原理,重点结合试验舰测控同步需求和舰载网络特点,提供了具体的方案设计和PTP授时模块的硬件实现。系统采用标准化通用模块设计,兼容原有时间同步系统,并具有良好的扩展性。仿真测试验证系统在非PTP链路上可实现微秒级同步,适用于试验舰分布式测控场景下的高精度时间的灵活接入,为试验舰时间同步系统网络化迁移部署提供有益参考。 A high reliability time synchronization system based on PTP protocol is designed to solve the deficiency of the current time synchronization system of the range trial ship.The principle of PTP synchronization is studied,and the concrete scheme design and hardware realization of PTP timing module are provided based on the requirements of measurement and control synchronization and the characteristics of shipboard network.The system adopts standardized general module design,is compatible with the existing time synchronization system,and has good expansibility.The simulation test verifies that the system can realize microsecond synchronization on the non-PTP link,which is suitable for flexible access of high precision time under the distributed measurement and control scenario of the trial ship,and provides beneficial reference for the networked migration and deployment of the trial ship time synchronization system.
作者 黄富良 HUANG Fu-liang(No.91388 Troops of PLA,Zhanjiang Guangdong 524022)
机构地区 [
出处 《数字技术与应用》 2020年第8期165-169,共5页 Digital Technology & Application
关键词 时间同步 PTP协议 IEEE1588标准 测控系统 time synchronization PTP protocol IEEE1588 standard measurement and control system
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