

Investigation on the germplasm resources of semen Cuscutae in Xingqing district,Ningxia
摘要 对宁夏银川市兴庆区药材菟丝子种质资源进行野外调查,将收集与采集到的样品带回实验室进行分析鉴定。结果表明:兴庆区分布有菟丝子属(Cuscuta)2个种:南方菟丝子(C.australis)和菟丝子(C.chinensis),其中南方菟丝子为栽培种,主要分布在种植区,面积有2747 hm^(2);菟丝子为野生种,分布在兴庆区荒漠草原地带,面积有9553 hm^(2),资源储量有149210.92 kg。南方菟丝子作为药用植物被大面积种植,但由于多年种植缺乏规范化管理,导致药材质量不高。野生菟丝子虽储量丰富,但一直未被利用,建议尽快从种源、栽培、销售等层面进行规范化管理,以提升菟丝子药材产业的可持续发展能力。 Combined field investigation with indoor identification,the germplasm resource situation of semen cuscutae in Xingqing district of Ningxia was investigated.The results showed there are two species of genus Cuscuta distributed in Xingqing district:C.australis and C.chinensis,C.australis is a cultivated species,distributed in planting areas with an area of 2747 hectare,C.chinensis is a wild species,distributed in desert steppe area with an area of 9553 hectare and a resource reserve of 149210.92 kg.C.australis is the main source of medicinal semen cuscutae materials in Xingqing district,but due to the lack of standardized management,the medicinal semen cuscutae quality is poor.The wild resources of C.chinensis are abundant,but it is not being utilized.Therefore,in order to promote the benign industrial development of semen cuscutae,to ensure the long-term production of high-quality and high-yield medicinal semen cuscuta materials,it is suggested to carry out standardized management from germplasm resource,cultivation and sale as soon as possible.
作者 余德菊 李林燕 王玉玉 董新莹 牛东玲 Yu Deju;Li Linyan;Wang Yuyu;Dong Xinying;Niu Dongling(School of Life Science,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China)
出处 《农业科学研究》 2020年第4期93-96,共4页 Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家中医药管理局全国中药资源普查项目(GZY-KJS-2018-004) 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(2019107490017)。
关键词 野外调查 形态学鉴定 兴庆区 菟丝子 南方菟丝子 field investigation morphological identification Xingqing district Cuscuta australis Cuscuta chinensis
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