

Talent Training Mode of Road and Bridge Engineering Technology Based on OBE Concept:an Example of Such Specialty from Hebei Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College
摘要 OBE模式的人才培养是工程教育认证的核心理念,是推进我国工程教育与国际接轨的重要举措。河北交通职业技术学院道路桥梁工程技术专业人才培养方案的修订,以《国家职业教育改革实施方案》为依据,严格按照OBE教育要求修订并形成道路桥梁工程技术专业人才培养的具体方案,对人才培养模式进行创新性的探索和研究,以期对道桥专业的技能应用型人才培养提供参考和借鉴意义。 As a core concept of engineering education certification,the talent cultivation based on OBE mode is an important measure to promote China's engineering education to be in line with international standards.The revision of road and bridge professional talents training scheme is conducted with the Implementation Plan of National Vocational Education Reform as its basis and in strict accordance with the requirements of OBE education.This innovative exploration and research on talent cultivation mode are expected to offer reference to producing skill-oriented personnel of this specialty.
作者 刘洁 赵玉肖 Liu Jie;Zhao Yuxiao(Department of Civil Engineering,Hebei Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College,Shijiazhuang 050035)
出处 《河北交通教育》 2021年第1期5-8,12,共5页 Hebei Traffic Education
关键词 OBE理念 道路桥梁工程技术专业 人才培养 OBE concept road and bridge engineering technology specialty personnel training
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