
应用型本科高校职业生涯规划课程“三课堂联动”教学实践研究 被引量:2

Research on the Teaching Practice of the Career Planning Course in Applied Undergraduate Colleges and Universities Based on the “Linkage of Three Classrooms”
摘要 随着我国社会发展的变化,各行各业都在积极做出调整,以适应社会形势要求。在此背景下,我国高校毕业生的就业难度在一定程度上增加了,但同时也带来了多重选择和机遇。因此,应用型本科高校中的职业生涯规划课程教学就显得尤为重要。现如今国内众多高校都对该课程进行了重新设计,但也发现,师生重视程度不高、课程内容规划度不高,随意性较大、理论与实践难以相统一的问题一直存在,导致学生综合实践能力无法有效得到提升。对此,高校须将三课堂联动机制引入教学中,从扎实基础、重视体验、加强实际探索等方面出发,构建实用性较强的课程体系,确保该课程的实效性。 With the development and changes of our society, all walks of life are actively making adjustments to adapt to the requirements of the social situation. In this context, it has not only increased the difficulty of employment for college graduates, but also brought multiple choices and opportunities for them. In this way, the teaching of the career planning course in applied undergraduate colleges and universities is particularly important.Nowadays, many domestic colleges and universities have redesigned the course, but it is found that for a long time, there are some problems hindering the effective improvement of students’ comprehensive practical ability, such as teachers’ and students’ little attention to the course, inefficient planning of the course content, randomness, and the difficulty of unifying theory and practice. In this regard, colleges and universities need to introduce the three-classroom linkage mechanism into teaching, build a practical course system in terms of consolidating the foundation,emphasizing experience, strengthening practical exploration, etc.,so as to ensure the effectiveness of the course.
作者 唐凤芬 TANG Fengfen
出处 《科教文汇》 2021年第9期68-69,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 2019年重庆市高等教育教学改革研究项目“应用型本科院校‘三课堂联动’生涯教育模式研究与实践”(编号:193314)。
关键词 职业生涯规划课程 三课堂联动 教学实践 the career planning course linkage of three class-rooms,teaching practice
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