Nonlinear phenomena are commonly shown in the vocalization of animals and exerts different adaptive functions.Although some studies have pointed out that nonlinear phenomena can enhance the individual identification of male Odorrana tormota,whether the nonlinear phenomena play a specific role in the sexual selection of O.tormota remain unclear.Here we presented evidence that there was a significant negative correlation(Pearson:n=30,r=0.65,P<0.001)between the nonlinear phenomena content and snout-vent length in the male O.tormota,and two-choice amplexus experiments showed that female O.tormota preferred male with smaller body size containing higher nonlinear phenomena content in its calls.Phonotaxis experiments also revealed that females preferred calls with higher nonlinear phenomena content.Additionally,compared to the calls with lower nonlinear phenomena content and higher fundamental frequency,there was shorter response time in phonotactic behaviour of female induced by the calls with higher nonlinear phenomena content and lower fundamental frequency.We argue that the nonlinear phenomena content in the calls of male O.tormota can convey its body size information and may provide important clues for female frogs in darkened surroundings to identify males’body size during mate choice,meanwhile,higher nonlinear phenomena content in males’calls may increase the attractiveness of males to females.The results of this study provide confirmation that,for O.tormota,nonlinear phenomena have specific function in mate choice.
a grant from the Chinese Natural Science Foundation to Fang ZHANG(NSFC grants 31872230
Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of the Conservation and Exploitation of Biological Resources(No.591601)。