
Study on Ground Engineering and Management of Carbonate Oil Field A under Rolling Development Mode

摘要 Carbonate rock has the characteristics of complicated accumulation rules,large-scale development,high yield but unstable production.Therefore,the management and control of surface engineering projects of carbonate rock oil and gas reservoirs faces huge difficulties and challenges.The construction of surface engineering should conform to the principle of integrated underground and ground construction and adapt to the oilfield development model.This paper takes the newly added area A of the carbonated oil field as an example to study the ground engineering under the rolling development mode and aims to provide the constructive ideas for the surface engineering under rolling development mode.The overall regional process design adheres to the design concept of"environmental protection,efficiency,and innovation",strictly follows the design specifications,and combines reservoir engineering and oil production engineering programs,oil and gas physical properties and chemical composition,product programs,ground natural conditions,etc.According to the technical and economic analysis and comparison of area A,this paper has worked out a suitable surface engineering construction,pipeline network layout and oil and gas gathering and transportation plan for area A.Some auxiliary management recommendations are also proposed in this paper,like sand prevention management and HSE management for carbonate reservoirs.
作者 Hang Chen
机构地区 China Aviation Oil Co.
出处 《Frontiers Research of Architecture and Engineering》 2021年第1期32-78,共47页 建筑与工程前沿研究(英文)
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