
基于88E1512的PTP精确时间同步协议设计与实现 被引量:4

Design and Implementation for Precision Time Protocol Based on 88E1512
摘要 随着现代作战平台航电系统高度综合化,作战方式也朝着多用途和体系作战等方面发展,时间同步精度由毫秒量级提高到亚微秒量级,时间同步需求也逐渐由独立系统扩展到分布式系统。基于此,详细介绍高精度时间同步协议(Precision Time Protocol,PTP)的同步原理和工作流程,提出利用88E1512芯片实现PTP时间同步的方法,并详细分析其软硬件架构以及实现流程,同时搭建测试环境开展测试验证。测试结果表明,该方法的PTP时间同步精度满足亚微秒量级的精度需求。 With the highly integrated avionics system of modern combat platform,the combat mode is also developing towards multipurpose and system of systems combat.The time synchronization accuracy is improved from millisecond level to submicrosecond level,and the time synchronization requirement is gradually extended from independent system to distributed system.Based on this,the synchronization principle and work flow of Precision Time Protocol(PTP)are introduced in detail.The method of using 88E1512 chip to realize PTP time synchronization is proposed,and its software and hardware architecture and implementation process are analyzed in detail.At the same time,a test environment is built to carry out test verification.The test results show that the PTP time synchronization accuracy of this method meets the accuracy requirement of sub microsecond level.
作者 刘伟 LIU Wei(Southwest China Institute of Electronic Technology,Chengdu 610036,China)
出处 《电声技术》 2021年第3期67-71,共5页 Audio Engineering
关键词 时间同步 PTP 时间服务器 time synchronization precision time protocol time server
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