
适于强源测量的便携式反康普顿γ探测系统设计 被引量:1

Portable Anti-Compton γ Detection Systemsfor High Activity Source Measurement
摘要 本文详细分析了可形成康普顿坪的3个关键过程中γ射线能量沉积的特点,以碲锌镉探测器为主探测器,锗酸铋闪烁体为反符合探测器,设计了适于强放射源测量的4π和准4π2种结构的便携式反康普顿γ探测系统,并采用Geant4程序模拟计算了662 keV和1525 keVγ射线在2种探测系统上的测量能谱。结果表明,2种系统的整体外部尺寸均可控制为ϕ20 cm×20 cm,总体质量约70 kg。4π结构探测系统对662 keV和1525 keVγ射线的康普顿抑制因子分别为63和29,准4π结构探测系统对662 keV和1525 keVγ射线的康普顿抑制因子分别为51和26,模拟结果与设计指标相符,验证了系统设计的可行性。 In this paper,the characteristics of γ-ray energy deposition in three key processes of forming Compton plateau are analyzed in detail.Portable anti-Comptonγdetection systems with 4πor quasi-4πstructures are designed by using CdZnTe(CZT)detector as main detector and BGO scintillator as anti-coincidence detector.The γ-ray spectra of 662 keV and 1525 keV measured by two systems are simulated by Geant4 software.The results show that the dimensions of the two systems can be controlled in ∅20 cm×20 cm,and the overall mass is about 70 kg.The Compton suppression factors of the detection system with 4πstructure for 662 keV and 1525 keV γ-rays are 63 and 29,respectively,while the Compton suppression factors of the detection system with quasi-4πstructure for 662 keV and 1525 keV γ-rays are 51 and 26,respectively.The simulation results are consistent with the design indexes,which verifies the feasibility of the system design.
作者 李雪松 倪建忠 余功硕 梁建峰 长孙永刚 张小林 LI Xue-song;NI Jian-zhong;YU Gong-shuo;LIANG Jian-feng;ZHANGSUN Yong-gang;ZHANG Xiao-lin(Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology,Xi’an 710024,China)
出处 《现代应用物理》 2021年第2期11-16,共6页 Modern Applied Physics
关键词 反康普顿 Γ射线 康普顿抑制 便携式 碲锌镉 锗酸铋 anti-Compton γ-ray Compton suppression portable CZT BGO
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