
民办高校党建变迁、挑战及对策 被引量:4

The Changes,Challenges and Countermeasures of Party Building in Private Higher Learning Institutions
摘要 我国民办高校党的建设不断探索,经历了探索期、发展期和法制建设期等阶段,当前面对新时代新任务新要求,我国民办高校党的领导和建设仍然面临一些挑战,主要体现在:思想认识有待进一步提升;党组织决策监督作用发挥有待加强;党务队伍人员有待加强;党建思政经费难以落实。对此,应进一步提升新时代民办高校党建质量;完善民办高校党建工作机制;发挥党委政治核心作用;提升党组织书记素养;健全民办高校党建工作保障机制。 In the past one hundred years since the founding of Communist Party of China,party building in private higher learning institutions in China has been continuously explored and undergone stages of exploration,development and legal construction.At present,in the face of new era,new tasks and new demands,the leadership and the building of the party in private higher learning institutions in China still have some challenges,which are mainly reflected in the following aspects:the ideological understanding needs to be further enhanced;the role of party organizations in decision-making supervision needs to be strengthened;the team personnel of party affairs needs to be improved;and the expenditure of party building and ideological and political work is hard to be raised.Therefore,we should further enhance the quality of party building in private higher learning institutions in new era,perfect the mechanism of party building work in private higher learning institutions,give play to the party committee's role as the political core,enhance the quality of the party secretaries'and the improve the guarantee mechanism of party building in the private higher learning institution.
作者 阙明坤 辛怡 宣葵葵 Que Mingkun;Xin Yi;Xuan KuiKui(Taihu University of Wuxi;Ningbo University of Finance&Economics)
出处 《终身教育研究》 2021年第4期35-41,共7页 Lifelong Education Research
基金 2020年江苏省社科应用研究精品工程重点资助项目“民办高校思想政治工作协同机制研究”(2020SZA-004) 2019年江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究专题项目“民办高校青年学生榜样的培育与传播机制研究”(2019SJB268)。
关键词 中国共产党 高等教育 民办高校 党建 立德树人 教育治理 Communist Party of China higher education private colleges and universities party building strengthen moral education and cultivate people education management
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