
“区域”内水下文化遗产的法律保护——以《“区域”内矿产资源开发规章草案》为视角 被引量:2

Legal Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Area:From the Perspective of the Draft Regulations on Exploitation of Mineral Resources in the Area
摘要 在"区域"内发现的一切考古和历史文物,应为全人类的利益予以保存和处置,因而在勘探开发"区域"矿产资源的过程中应高度重视水下文化遗产的保护。随着"区域"矿产资源商业化开发的展开,越来越多的水下文化遗产将会被发现,如何在平衡各方利益的基础上保护"区域"内的水下文化遗产,已成为亟待解决的问题。但正在修订的《"区域"内矿产资源开发规章草案》在对上述问题的处置上鲜有实质性突破,尚存较多的完善空间。因此,在该草案的后续修订中,应在首先实现水下文化遗产保护制度同其上位法协调的基础上,积极致力于保护条款用语和程序的明确,促进水下文化遗产保护同其他利益攸关者间利益的协调,同时主动借鉴已有实践充实保护内容。中国作为"区域"矿产资源勘探与开发大国,除了要积极倡导并参与多边合作完善该草案中的水下文化遗产保护制度外,还应大力完善国内立法,以应对"区域"矿产资源的商业开发。 All objects of an archaeological and historical nature found in the Area should be preserved or disposed for the benefit of mankind as a whole.Therefore,the protection of underwater cultural heritage should be highly valued in the process of exploring and developing mineral resources in the Area.With the commercial development of mineral resources in the Area,more and more underwater cultural heritage will be discovered,and it is urgent to solve the problem that how to protect the underwater cultural heritage in the Area on the basis of balancing the interests of all parties.However,the Draft Regulations on Exploitation of Mineral Resources in the Area(herein after"the Draft Regulations")that is being revised has few substantial breakthroughs in dealing with the above issues,and there is still much room for improvement.Hence,the ISA should firstly achieve the coordination between underwater cultural heritage protection system of the Draft Regulations and its upper law,actively work to clarify the terms and procedures of the protection clauses,strongly contribute to protection of underwater cultural heritage with the harmony of interests among other stakeholders,and enrich the content of the protection from existing practices.As a major country in the exploration and development of mineral resources in the Area,China should not only actively advocate and participate in multilateral cooperation to improve the protection regime of underwater cultural heritage in the Draft Regulations,but also vigorously improve its domestic legislation to cope with the commercial development of mineral resources in the Area.
作者 马明飞 任鹏举 MA Mingfei;REN Pengju
出处 《武大国际法评论》 2021年第4期68-88,共21页 Wuhan University International Law Review
基金 2020年度辽宁省社会科学基金重点项目“海洋命运共同体理念的海外传播与国际认同研究”(项目批准号:L20AGJ003)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 国际海底区域 “区域”内矿产资源开发规章草案 联合国海洋法公约 水下文化遗产保护 the international seabed Draft Regulations on Exploitation of Mineral Resources in the Area United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea the protection of underwater cultural heritage
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