There is a growing evidence of cardiovascular complications in coronavirusdisease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. As evidence accumulated of COVID-19 mediatedinflammatory effects on the myocardium, substantial attention has beendirected towards cardiovascular imaging modalities that facilitate this diagnosis.Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) is the gold standard for thedetection of structural and functional myocardial alterations and its role inidentifying patients with COVID-19 mediated cardiac injury is growing. Despiteits utility in the diagnosis of myocardial injury in this population, CMRI’s impacton patient management is still evolving. This review provides a framework for theuse of CMRI in diagnosis and management of COVID-19 patients from theperspective of a cardiologist. We review the role of CMRI in the management ofboth the acutely and remotely COVID-19 infected patient. We discuss patientselection for this imaging modality;T1, T2, and late gadolinium enhancementimaging techniques;and previously described CMRI findings in other cardiomyopathieswith potential implications in COVID-19 recovered patients.