
香菇真空冷冻干燥过程中滋味物质动态变化及鲜味评价 被引量:13

Dynamic Change of Taste Compounds and Umami Evaluation of Lentinula edodes during Vacuum Freeze-Drying Process
摘要 为探究香菇真空冷冻干燥(vacuum freeze-drying,VFD)过程中滋味物质的变化规律,利用电子舌、高效液相色谱仪和氨基酸分析仪研究香菇在预冻、升华干燥和解析干燥(20、30、40℃和50℃)后的滋味变化。电子舌结果显示,不同VFD阶段的香菇能被有效区分。香菇滋味物质的检测结果表明,预冻后可溶性糖(醇)和5’-核苷酸含量均显著上升(P<0.05);升华干燥后可溶性糖(醇)和游离氨基酸含量均升高至整个VFD过程的最大值,分别为185.20 mg/g和44.76 mg/g;在解析干燥时,有机酸含量增加且不受解析干燥温度的影响,而可溶性糖(醇)和游离氨基酸含量均随温度变化呈现不同的下降趋势。结合等鲜浓度(equivalent umami concentration,EUC)值对鲜味变化进一步分析,结果表明香菇的鲜味强度在30、40℃和50℃解析干燥后增幅较大,其EUC值约为鲜香菇的2倍。总体而言,香菇中大部分滋味物质在VFD过程得到很好的保留,研究结果对深入了解香菇滋味物质在该加工过程中的变化机制以及开发基于香菇滋味的调味品有重要参考价值。 The changes of taste compounds in Lentinula edodes during vacuum freeze-drying(VFD) were explored using an electronic tongue(E-tongue), high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) and an automatic amino acid analyzer. Sampling took place after pre-freezing, primary drying, and secondary drying(20, 30, 40 or 50 ℃). E-tongue results showed that L. edodes samples collected at different VFD stages were effectively distinguished. The contents of soluble sugars/mannitols and 5’-nucleotides significantly increased after pre-freezing(P < 0.05). After primary drying,the contents of soluble sugars/mannitol and free amino acids(FAAs) in L. edodes reached maximum values of 185.20 and 44.76 mg/g, respectively among all sampling points. After secondary drying, the content of organic acids increased independent of the drying temperature, while the contents of soluble sugars/mannitols and FAAs showed different decreasing trends with the drying temperature. The umami intensity of L. edodes greatly increased after secondary drying at 30, 40 or 50 ℃,leading to an approximately 2-fold increase in equivalent umami concentration(EUC) values as compared to the fresh sample. In conclusion, most of the taste compounds in L. edodes were well retained during the VFD process. These results should provide insights into understanding the mechanism of change in taste compounds in L. edodes during vacuum freezedrying and provide an important reference for the development of seasonings based on the taste of L. edodes.
作者 卢晓烁 张毅航 方东路 范霞 胡秋辉 陈计峦 赵立艳 LU Xiaoshuo;ZHANG Yihang;FANG Donglu;FAN Xia;HU Qiuhui;CHEN Jiluan;ZHAO Liyan(College of Food Science and Technology,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China;College of Food,Shihezi University,Shihezi 832003,China)
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第20期91-97,共7页 Food Science
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31871762) 北京高校卓越青年科学家计划项目(BJJWZYJH01201910011025)。
关键词 香菇 真空冷冻干燥 滋味物质 等鲜浓度 动态变化 Lentinula edodes vacuum freeze-drying taste compounds equivalent umami concentration dynamic change
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