Aiming at the practical engineering application of video stylization,in this paper, a GPU-based video art stylization algorithm is proposed, and areal-time video art stylization rendering system is implemented. The four mostcommon artistic styles including cartoon, oil painting, pencil painting and watercolorpainting are realized in this system rapidly. Moreover, the system makesgood use of the GPU’s parallel computing characteristics, transforms the videostylized rendering algorithm into the texture image rendering process, acceleratesthe time-consuming pixel traversal processing in parallel and avoids the loop processingof the traditional CPU. Experiments show that the four art styles achievedgood results, and the system has a good interactive experience.
International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators(ICPCSEE)
This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.61761046,62061049)
the Application and Foundation Project of Yunnan Province(Grant No.202001BB050032,202001BB050043,2018FB100)
the Youth Top Talents Project of Yunnan Provincial“Ten Thousands Plan”(Grant No.YNWR-QNBJ-2018-329).