
甘蔗新品种桂糖56号的选育 被引量:1

Breeding of A Sugarcane Variety Guitang56
摘要 ‘桂糖56号’(品系名为‘桂糖08-460’)是以‘湛蔗89-113’为母本、‘新台糖26号’为父本按常规五圃制选育出来的甘蔗新品种。广西甘蔗品种区域试验1新2宿的平均结果表明:‘桂糖56号’平均蔗茎产量为99.7 t/hm^(2),对照‘新台糖22号’平均蔗茎产量为87.2 t/hm^(2),比对照‘新台糖22号’增产14.3%。‘桂糖56号’全期平均甘蔗蔗糖分为14.83%,对照‘新台糖22号’全期平均甘蔗蔗糖分为14.47%,比对照‘新台糖22号’高0.36%(绝对值)。‘桂糖56号’平均含糖量为14.3 t/hm^(2),对照‘新台糖22号’平均含糖量为11.7 t/hm^(2),比对照‘新台糖22号’增产22.2%。‘桂糖56号’具有植株高、中大茎、极易脱叶、有效茎数中等、高产、高糖等优良特性,适宜在广西的旱坡地推广种植。 Guitang56(clone name:GT 08-460)was developed through“Five-stage selection”,which was derived from the cross of Zhanzhe 89-113דROC”26.The results of plant and first and second ratoon crops from Guangxi sugarcane variety regional test showed that the cane yield of Guitang 56 and the check variety“ROC”22 were 99.7 t/ha and 87.2 t/ha,respectively,and Guitang56 was 14.32%greater than“ROC”22.The sucrose content of Guitang56 and“ROC”22 were 14.65% and 14.29%,respectively,and Guitang56 was 0.36%(absolute value)greater than“ROC”22.The sugar yield of Guitang56 and“ROC”22 were 14.3 t/ha and 11.7 t/ha,respectively,and Guitang56 was 22.16%greater than“ROC”22.Guitang56 with characters of high plant,mid-large stem,easily self-trashing,medium stalk number,high cane and sugar yields,which was suitable to plant in dry land in Guangxi.
作者 唐仕云 王伦旺 谭芳 贤武 梁强 黎焕光 李翔 李杨瑞 黄海荣 经艳 邓宇驰 TANG Shiyun;WANG Lunwang;TAN Fang;XIAN Wu;LIANG Qiang;LI Huanguang;LI Xiang;LI Yangrui;HUANG Hairong;JING Yan;DENG Yuchi(Sugarcane Research Institute,Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Sugarcane Research Center,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Biotechnology and Genetic Improvement(Guangxi),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Guangxi Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Genetic Improvement,Nanning 530007)
出处 《中国糖料》 2022年第1期15-19,共5页 Sugar Crops of China
基金 广西创新驱动发展专项资金项目(桂科AA17202042-4) 财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系(糖料)项目(CARS-17015) 财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系(糖料)广西甘蔗创新团队建设专项(gjnytxgxcxtd-03-01) 广西财政专项:甘蔗新品种选育与示范推广资助。
关键词 甘蔗 新品种 桂糖56号 选育 sugarcane new variety Guitang56 breeding
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