
考虑充电需求空间灵活性的电动汽车运行优化研究综述 被引量:46

Review on the Electric Vehicles Operation Optimization Considering the Spatial Flexibility of Electric Vehicles Charging Demands
摘要 随着电动汽车渗透率的升高,电动汽车充电负荷对电网的影响也越来越大。一方面,无序的充电负荷会危害电网运行;另一方面,电动汽车具有移动特性,电动汽车充电需求的空间灵活性又可以提供电网所需的需求侧响应服务。针对道路上行驶车辆的能量管理问题,文章从建模方法和调用手段2个方面着重梳理了电动汽车充电需求空间灵活性的相关研究,并详细介绍了其在大规模电动汽车充电计划规划、车辆充电导航优化、单程式共享车队的优化调度等场景中的应用,最后对电动汽车充电需求空间灵活性的研究方向进行了展望。 With the increase of the penetration rate of electric vehicles(EVs), the impact of electric vehicle charging demands on the power system is also increasing. On the one hand, the uncoordinated charging loads may bring threats to the secure operation of the power system;on the other hand,with the mobility of the electric vehicles, the spatial flexibility of EVs’ charging demands can provide the demand-side response services for the power system. Aiming at the on-the-road energy management problem of electric vehicles,this article focuses on the researches on the spatial flexibility of EVs from two aspects: the modeling methods and the dispatching methods. Then it introduces in detail the applications in large-scale electric vehicle charging scheduling,the optimization of charging navigation for single EV, and the operation optimization of shared fleets considering charging and relocation. The future directions of researches on spatial flexibility of EVs’ charging demands are finally summarized and prospected.
作者 崔岩 胡泽春 段小宇 CUI Yan;HU Zechun;DUAN Xiaoyu(Department of Electrical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Haidian District,Beijing 100084,China)
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期981-994,共14页 Power System Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(U1766205,51861135301)。
关键词 电动汽车 电网互动 空间灵活性 交通流分配 节点电价 electric vehicles V2G spatial flexibility traffic assignment problem locational marginal price
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