

Paths and Public Law Boundaries of Public Power Intervention in E-commerce Platform Self-governance
摘要 电商平台拥有强大的自治能力,但囿于自身存在的权力滥用风险、无序扩张倾向,易于陷入自治困境,有必要引入公权力对其进行治理。从公法要求、权利与义务平衡及公共利益之角度进行解释,公权力介入电商平台自治具有充足的必要性。从治理成效、介入成本与社会收益的衡量及公正价值与适度介入的平衡之角度进行考察,有助于准确地把握公权力介入电商平台自治的合理性。当前学界对公权力介入电商平台自治的路径选择存在较多争论,本质上是对公法界限的理解之争。对此,应置身于国家与社会的交互关系、政府与市场的逻辑关系及公私主体的责任关系之三重维度展开反思,进而在共治原则、介入权限、责任规则的公法界限中探寻破解之道。 E-commerce platforms have strong autonomy abilities,but it is easy to fall into self-governance dilemmas due to its risk of power abuses and inclination of disorderly expansion.It is necessary to introduce public powers for the governance of E-commerce platforms.From the perspectives of public laws requirements,balances of rights and obligations and public interests,the public power intervention in E-commerce platforms has sufficient legal bases.From the perspectives of governance effectiveness,the measurements of intervention costs and social benefits,and the balances of fair values and moderate intervention,it is helpful to accurately grasp the rationality of public power intervention in the self-governance of E-commerce platforms.At present,there are many controversies about the paths of public powers intervening in E-commerce platforms,which are essentially disputes about the understanding of the boundaries of public laws.Therefore,we should reflect on the three dimensions of the interaction between the state and the society,the logical relationship between the government and the market,and the responsibility relationship between public and private subjects,and then explore the solutions under the boundaries of public laws of the principles of collective-governance,intervention authorities,and responsibility rules.
作者 陈荣新 Chen Rongxin
机构地区 厦门大学法学院
出处 《人权研究(辑刊)》 2021年第2期431-448,532,共19页 Journal of Human Rights
基金 福建省社会科学规划项目“新时代我国电子商务知识产权治理研究”(项目编号:FJ2018MGCA027)的资助。
关键词 电商平台 自治困境 公权力介入 公法界限 E-commerce Platforms Self-governance Dilemmas Public Power Intervention Boundaries of Public Laws
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