新修订的GB 2763-2021对茶叶的农药最大残留限量提出了新的要求,新增了41项茶叶中农药最大残留限量,并对部分农药残留限量进行了修订。本文旨在通过分析GB 2763-2021标准的茶叶中农药最大残留限量及茶叶的农药残留的检测方法,对新版限量标准进一步完善提出了相关建议,同时,对检测机构如何应对新版限量标准及检测实验室如何选择茶叶检测方法提供了一定的参考,对保障我国茶叶质量安全及品质提升具有一定的意义。
The newly revised GB 2763-2021 has placed new requirements on the maximum residue limits(MRL)of pesticides in tea.A total of 41 maximum residue limits of pesticides in tea have been added and some of them revised.The purpose of this paper is to put forward relevant suggestions to further update the new MRLs,while providing reference for how to deal with the new MRLs in testing laboratory and for how to choose the detection methods,through the analysis of the MRLs of pesticides in tea and the relevant detection methods in GB 2763-2021,to guarantee the quality safety and improvement of tea in China.
Yi Xing(Station of quality and safety inspecting for Agro-Products in Xiangtan,Xiangtan Hunan 411100,China)
Pesticide Science and Administration