In the background of the growing popularity of green investment and the active implementation of“dual carbon”goals by financial institutions,more and more investors are considering ESG factors in their valuations,products,and strategies.The traditional Markowitz portfolio theory lacks attention to non-financial effects.It cannot directly guide the construction of green investment portfolios,resulting in the separation of investment practice and theory.With the deepening of ESG investment concepts,how to reasonably incorporate ESG factors into portfolios has become a research hotspot in the academic community.Most existing green portfolio models incorporate ESG factors based on the Markowitz mean-variance model by introducing ESG objectives,ESG constraints,or ESG utility functions.This paper proposes a green bi-level portfolio model for practical problems such as the difficulty in estimating the risk aversion coefficient and ESG preference coefficient in the utility function and the lack of restrictions on the size of the portfolio.The upper-level decision variables are the risk aversion coefficients of investors’green utility function regarding returns and ESG,as well as the sparse position of the portfolio.The lower-level variables are the green portfolio weights.At the solution level,for different constraints,the optimality condition of the lower-level problem is used to transform the bi-level programming problem into a mixed integer quadratic programming.When the upper and lower levels are unconstrained optimization problems,the bi-level programming can be simplified into an unconstrained optimization problem through the KKT condition of the lower level.Then the closed-form solution can be obtained.The model can not only estimate a portfolio’s implied ESG preference and risk aversion but can also be used in the construction of green index funds.The research indicates:First,the numerical validation of the model is verified by simulating the natural market environment.The model can accurately estimate the implicit parameters for benchmark indices with different preferences.Second,by verifying 341 portfolios that compiled the ESG100 Index and the Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 Index(SZ50)from 2015 to 2021,the study found that the green index in the financial market implies a positive ESG preference,and the green index prefers the green attributes of assets to income.Third,the static and dynamic portfolios constructed based on the SZ50 and ESG100 indices tracked the benchmarks well and achieved excess returns from 2015 to 2021.From the Sharpe ratio,information ratio,and Omega ratio,these portfolios generally beat the benchmark index and the 1/n strategy.The following investment recommendations are put forward based on the above research conclusions.For regulators,it is necessary to accelerate the relevant policies to support the establishment of financial products such as open-ended traded index funds of green financial indices.Institutional investors can use the green bi-level green portfolio model to construct green index funds,effectively avoiding the complex parameter decision-making process.Our model strengthens the connection between the green investment field and modern portfolio theory and has important reference significance for the construction and development of green index funds.
XU Feng-min;LIU Wen-ling;LI Xue-peng;JING Kui(School of Economics and Finance,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,China;School of Marxism,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,China)
Journal of Statistics and Information
ESG integration
parameter estimation
green portfolio
bilevel programming