
郭志强活用治崩三法治疗崩漏经验 被引量:3

GUO Zhiqiang’s Experience of Treating Metrorrhagia and Metrostaxis Flexibly by Three Methods
摘要 介绍郭志强教授活用治崩三法治疗崩漏的经验。郭志强教授认为“塞流”要明辨崩、漏之不同,崩中多属气阴两虚,应益气摄血敛阴,久漏必有瘀血,当益气活血化瘀。“澄源”求本应辨药物的固有之性,审证用药。“复旧”当因时制宜,创分龄调肾法,认为“二七”当充养肾精,“三七”至“五七”当补肾调周,“六七”至“七七”当滋肾阴,泻相火。在塞流、澄源、复旧各个阶段要根据不同的情况,灵活施以健脾益气之品,脾胃健旺,后天之本坚固,则顽疾可除。 This paper introduces Professor GUO Zhiqiang’s experience in treating metrorrhagia flexibly by three methods.Professor GUO Zhiqiang believes that it is necessary for"Stopping bleeding"to distinguish the difference between Metrorrhagia and Metrostaxis.Metrorrhagia is mostly due to deficiency of both Qi and Yin,and it should nourish Qi,absorb blood and converge Yin.Long-term metrostaxis will inevitably lead to blood stasis,and it should nourish Qi,promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.It is necessary for"clarification of cause"to identify the inherent nature of the drug basically,and to use the drug according to the syndrome differentiation.It is necessary for"restoration of health"to be adjusted according to the times.He puts forward the treatment method of regulating kidney according to age."Two-seven"age(14 years old)women should nourish kidney essence."Three-seven to five-seven"age(aged 21 to 35)women should nourish kidney and resume regular menstrual cycles."Six-seven to seven-seven"age(aged 42 to 49)women should nourish kidney Yin and purge kidney fire.In the three stages of treatment,according to different conditions,we should flexibly apply the product of invigorating spleen and Qi,invigorating the spleen and stomach and strengthening the acquired constitution,so that the stubborn diseases can be eliminated.
作者 张家蔚 薛晓鸥 李军 朱玉莹 ZHANG Jiawei;XUE Xiaoou;LI Jun;ZHU Yuying(Dongzhimen Hospital,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《中医药导报》 2022年第12期157-160,共4页 Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2018YFC1704100) 名老中医经验研究与推广应用一体化平台构建(2018YFC1704106) 全国名老中医药专家传承工作室项目(JB027)。
关键词 崩漏 治崩三法 补肾调周 名医经验 郭志强 metrorrhagia and metrostaxis three methods of treating uterine bleeding tonifying the kidney and regulating the periods experience of famous doctors GUO Zhiqiang
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