

An Analysis of the Relationship between Fengyue Jinlang Version and the Full Version of The Jingchai Opera
摘要 锦本《荆钗记》与其他全本《荆钗记》曲调的关系可分为七大类:1·曲词与影钞本相同、几乎全同或更接近;2·曲词与汲古阁本、李评本、屠评本相同、几乎全同或更接近;3·曲词与世德堂本、富春堂本相同或相近;4·曲词与叶刻本相同或相近;5·曲词与两种或两种以上全本戏版本都有相同或相近之处;6·曲词与其余各种全本戏相同或相近;7·曲调为其他版本所无。通过比勘发现,锦本主要改编自影钞本,影钞本刊行的时间应在1552至1553年之间。锦本是影钞本演变至其他全本戏版本的过渡本。 The relationship in terms of tunes between the Fengyue Jinlang version and the full version of The Jingchai opera boils down to seven categories:first,the tune and lyrics are the same,or almost the same or approximately the same as the hand-copied version;second,the tune and lyrics are the same,or almost the same,or approximately the same as the Ji Guge carving version,Li Zhuowu’s commentary version and Tu’s commentary version;third,the tune and lyrics are the same as or close to the Shide Tang version and Fuchun Tang version;fourth,the tune and lyrics are the same as or close to the Ye’s carving version;fifth,the tune and lyrics are the same as or close to two or more full versions of the opera;sixth,the tune and lyrics are the same as or close to the other full versions of the opera;seventh,the tune is different than that in other versions.Through comparison and study,it is found that the Jin version was mainly re-edited from the hand-copied version which was published in year 1552 or 1553.The Jin version was a transition version from the hand-copied version to other full versions.
作者 孔杰斌 KONG Jie-bin
出处 《五邑大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期48-53,93,共7页 Journal of Wuyi University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“宋元戏曲明代改编本批评研究”(批准号:18BZW054)的阶段性成果。
关键词 《荆钗记》 锦本 版本 关系 意义 The Jingchai Opera Jin version Versions Relationship Significance
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