
服务学习:研究生实践教学的一种新理念——基于美国高校服务学习理论与实践的启示 被引量:3

Service-Learning:A New Concept to Postgraduates’Teaching Practice:Based on the Insights into the Service-Learning Theory and Practice in American Universities
摘要 实践教学是我国研究生教育阶段人才培养的重要途径之一,当前我国研究生实践教学重视程度仍不够,重理论学习轻实践体验、重校内学习轻校外训练的倾向导致实践教学效果远未达到预期。美国服务学习作为将学术学习与社区服务联系在一起的创新性教与学方法,在教学目标、教学形式和教学过程上对研究生实践教学具有指导意义。美国高校注重通过开设专门课程、开展课外活动、设立专门项目、成立专业组织等推进服务学习在研究生人才培养中的运用,并注重在全过程中强化反思、强化社区的重要实践平台作用和积极吸引教师参与服务学习指导等保障条件。借鉴相关经验,我国可通过深化服务学习实践教学新理念、构建服务学习实践教学新制度、凝聚服务学习实践教学新合力等策略提升新时代研究生实践教学整体育人效果。 Practical teaching is one of the important ways to cultivate professionals at the stage of postgraduate education in China.At present,the attention we pay to practical teaching of postgraduates in China is still not enough.The tendency of attaching more importance to theoretical learning than practical experience and to on-campus learning than off-campus training leads to low practical teaching effect far from the goal expected.As an innovative teaching method that links academic learning with community service,service learning in the United States has guiding significance for postgraduate practical teaching in terms of teaching objectives,teaching modes and teaching process.The higher-learning institutions in the United States pay attention to promoting the application of service learning in the training of postgraduates by arranging special courses,carrying out extracurricular activities,setting up special projects and establishing professional organizations.At the same time,they attach importance to the role of the key practice platforms which highlights retrospection and strengthens the functions of communities in the whole process,and to the creation of ensuring conditions to attract more teachers to join in the guidance to service learning.Therefore,the authors suggest that we can learn from the American experience when we further study the new concept of service learning in practical teaching,and we should establish a new system of service learning in practical teaching and pool resultant energies for service learning in practical teaching,so as to improve the overall postgraduate education effect in practical teaching in the new era.
作者 薛国凤 高丽华 XUE Guofeng;GAO Lihua(College of Education,Hebei University,Baoding,Hebei 071002,China)
出处 《研究生教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期91-97,共7页 Journal of Graduate Education
基金 河北省社科基金项目“基于美国服务学习理论的高校文科实践教学改革研究”(HB19JY048)。
关键词 服务学习 实践教学 研究生教育 service learning practical teaching postgraduate education
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