
南方丘陵山区村域乡村振兴潜力评价及类型识别——以江西省兴国县为例 被引量:1

Potential Evaluation and Type Identification of Rural Vitalization in Hilly and Mountainous Villages in South China-A Case Study at Xingguo County,Jiangxi Province
摘要 [目的]科学开展村庄类型识别,为江西省兴国县国土空间总体规划编制和乡村振兴战略实施提供技术支撑和决策参考,为南方丘陵山区村庄类型识别提供经验借鉴。[方法]以村域为研究单元,分别构建村庄布局适宜性评价指标体系与乡村振兴潜力评价指标体系,采用AHP和CRITIC法组合确定指标权重,构建耦合协调度模型识别兴国县村庄类型。[结果]①兴国县村庄布局适宜性总体水平一般,以中适宜性等级为主,空间分布差异显著,呈现出“中心城区向四周阶梯式递减”的分布特征;②乡村振兴潜力水平有待提高,高值区主要分布在城区周边和各镇区驻地;③村庄布局适宜性与乡村振兴潜力耦合度较高,协调性有待提高,耦合协调度一般,初级耦合协调村庄最多;④将兴国县村庄类型识别为城郊融合类、集聚发展类、存续提升类、特色保护类和搬迁撤并类5类。[结论]村庄布局与当地的地形、社会经济发展有着紧密的联系,乡村振兴潜力与布局适宜性呈现出明显的正相关关系,应针对不同村庄类型提出不同发展策略。 [Objective]The village type identification was carried out scientifically to provide technical support and a decision-making reference for the formulation of the overall territorial space planning and the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy for Xingguo County,Jiangxi Province,in order to provide experience reference for the village type identification in the hills and mountains in Southern China.[Methods]Villages were taken as the research units.A village layout suitability evaluation index system and a rural revitalization potential evaluation index system were constructed.The village types in Xingguo County were identified by combining the AHP and CRITIC methods to determine the index weight.A coupling coordination model was constructed.[Results]①The overall village layout suitability in Xingguo County was in the general level,and the suitability grades were mainly in the middle suitability level,with significant differences in spatial distribution,showing the spatial characteristics of“decreasing in a stepwise manner from the central part of the city to the surrounding areas”.②The overall level of rural revitalization potential needs to be improved.The high-level areas were mainly located in the villages surrounding the urban areas and the resident villages of each township.③The coupling degree between the suitability of village layout and rural revitalization was high.The coordination degree needs to be improved from the average coupling coordination degree,with the largest number of villages at the primary coupling coordination degree.④The types of villages in Xingguo County were identified as suburban integration villages,clustered development villages,survival and upgrading villages,characteristic protection villages,and relocated and evacuated villages.Corresponding development strategies were proposed for different types of villages.[Conclusion]Village layout was closely related to local topography and social and economic development.The potential of rural revitalization was positively correlated with the suitability of rural layout.Therefore,different development strategies should be proposed for different village types.
作者 雷凯星 余敦 王检萍 赵琪琛 王春刚 罗恬欣 Lei Kaixing;Yu Dun;Wang Jianping;Zhao Qichen;Wang Chungang;Luo Tianxin(College of Land Resources and Environment,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330045,China)
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期281-290,423,共11页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 江西省社会科学基金项目“鄱阳湖平原粮食主产区的耕地利用生态风险评价及调控研究”(20GL08) 江西省高校人文社会科学研究项目(GL19128) 南昌市社科规划项目(GL202006) 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目(GJJ210453)。
关键词 村庄布局适宜性 村庄类型 CRITIC法 乡村振兴潜力 耦合协调 江西省兴国县 village layout suitability village type CRITIC method rural revitalization potential coupling coordination Xingguo County Jiangxi Province
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