
论中国涉外商事仲裁立法国际化改革——以建设“一带一路”国际商事仲裁中心为目标视角 被引量:1

Study on the Internationalization Reform of China’s Foreign-related Commercial Arbitration Legislation——From the Aim and Perspective of Building the B&R International Commercial Arbitration Center
摘要 在建设“一带一路”和构建“一带一路”争端解决机制背景下,中国涉外商事仲裁立法改革应以建设“一带一路”国际商事仲裁中心为根本目标,以国际化为基本方向。中国涉外商事仲裁立法改革应当树立支持仲裁的理念,扩大可仲裁事项范围,放宽仲裁协议效力及其法律适用限制,强化司法支持弱化司法监督;应当彰显契约化民间化理念,突出涉外仲裁的契约性和仲裁机构的民间性。中国涉外商事仲裁立法改革应当遵循公正与效率兼顾原则,既保障公正又提高效率;应当坚持自治与干预结合原则,赋予当事人充分意思自治权,仅在维护正当程序和公共政策方面进行司法干预。 In the context of building“the Belt and the Road”and constructing the B&R dispute resolution mechanism,the reform of China’s foreign-related commercial arbitration legislation should aim at building China into the B&R international commercial arbitration center and take internationalization as the primary orientation.The internationalization reform of China’s foreign-related commercial arbitration legislation should establish the notion of supporting arbitration by expanding the scope of arbitrable matters,relaxing the limitations on the validity of arbitration agreements and the application of laws,and strengthening judicial supports while weakening judicial supervisions.And it should highlight the concept of contractization and privatization by emphasizing the contractual nature of foreign-related arbitration and clarifying the private nature of arbitration institutions.The internationalization reform should follow the principle of pursuance for both justice and efficiency,not only guaranteeing the justice but also improving the efficiency,as well as the principle of combining autonomy with intervention,granting the parties full autonomy of will and conducting judicial intervention only to maintain due process and public policy.
作者 李姗姗 石现明 Li Shanshan;Shi Xianming(School of Political Science and Law,Yunnan University of Finance and Economics,Kunming 650221,Yunnan,China)
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2023年第5期88-93,共6页 Academic Exploration
基金 云南省哲学社会科学规划重点项目(ZD201908)。
关键词 涉外商事仲裁 立法改革 目标方向 理念原则 foreign-related commercial arbitration legislative reform aim and orientation notions and principles
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