

Heart-mind is Taijiand Its Influence on the Heart-mind Theory of the School of Nature and li in Korean
摘要 “心为太极”是邵雍提出的观点,本由先天易学的象数推出,有天地之心为太极之义,学者可以通过观物、虚静的功夫复见天心。朱子学对此的阐释大为不同,强调心对太极之理的本具,但本心为太极仍然可以成立。此说在朝鲜性理学的主理一派那里成为论心的重要依据,极大地丰富了性理学的心论类型。李退溪依此而强调心之未发唯理,因其所言理具有活动性,故只需用主敬功夫便可以优入圣域。李寒洲则进一步提出“心即理”,但其理不能直接活动,故其功夫既不如退溪直截,也没有阳明学良知呈显的自然之妙。退溪之说于朱子学有所溢出,寒洲之说则仍能合乎朱子之意。 The viewpoint“Heart-mind is Taiji(supreme ultimate)”was put forward by Shao Yong(1011-1077).It is derived from the images and numbers of the Yi scholarship of former heaven and it has the meaning that the heart-mind of heaven and earth is Taiji.Scholars can directly reach the innate realm through observing things and quiet meditation practice.Zhu Xi(1130-1200)had quite different interpretations;he emphasized that heart-mind originally has the principle of Taiji while the original heart still is Taiji.Although this statement is derived from the images and numbers of the Yi scholarship of former heaven,it can include the heart-mind theory in Doctrine of the Mean and Mencivs.Heart-mind is the source of all things and the realm of former heaven could be achieved by stillness and void heart-mind.The meaning of this theory changed after being introduced into Zhu Xi's scholarship,which means heart-mind originally has the principle of Taiji while could also guarantee the existence of moral motivation.This theory became an important basis for the theory of heart-mind in Korean Neo-Confucianism,and greatly enriched the types of heart-mind theory of the school of nature and li.According to this,Li Tuixi(1501-1570)emphasized that there is only li(meanings and principles)when the heart-mind has not manifested.As he believed li is active,people can reach the realm of sages only by respect-based self-cultivation.Li Hanzhou(1818-1886)further proposed that“heart-mind is li”,that he believed li is not directly active.His cultivation was neither as straightforward as that of Li Tuixi,nor as natural as that of Wang Yangming(1472-1529).Li Tuixi's opinions are too far away from Zhu Xi's theory,while Li Hanzhou's still abided.
作者 刘敏 LIU Min
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期94-104,共11页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 朱子 李退溪 太极 理气 Zhu Xi Li Tuixi heart-mind Taiji li principle andqi material energy
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