

The Summary of Poems and Articles of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in the General Head of the Si Ku Quan Shu's Errors of Literature Quotation
摘要 《四库全书总目》虽系目录学之作,也包含着文学批评的内容,凸显其独特的历史文献价值。有关明清诗文评提要,主要体现在版本叙录、文献征引和批评观点等方面。其对中国文学批评史、中国诗话史等研究影响较深。于文献征引而言,馆臣撰写明清诗文评提要时,参阅了大量明清诗文评原著文献及相关文献,这些文献不仅是明清诗文评提要文本内容的组成部分,也可以为其批评观点提供依据。细阅明清诗文评提要中的文献征引内容,可知其存在错误主要如下:臆改引文致误、引述作者不当、誊录书名不确、征引内容存误、前后信息抵牾和文献出处标错等。对这些文献征引错误辨证,亦有助于明清诗文评文献研究的深入。 Although the General Catalogue of the Si Ku Quan Shu is a bibliographic work,it also contains the thought of literary criticism and highlights its unique value.The value of the summary of poetry and prose in Ming and Qing dynasties is mainly reflected in the version narration,literature quotation and theoretical criticism.These have a deep influence on the study of the history of Chinese literary criticism and the history of Chinese poetry.In the introduction of literature review,while writing the summary of Ming and Qing poetry review,the minister referred to a large number of original literature and related literature,which are not only part of the text content of the summary of Ming and Qing poetry review,but alsocan provide a basis for its theoretical criticism.A detailed review of the literature quotation content in the summary of poetry reviews of Ming and Qing Dynasties shows that the main errors are as follows:the errors caused by private alteration of quotations,improper citing of some authors,inaccurate transcription of titles,the errors in the content of quotations,inconsistency of information before and after and some mistakes of literature sources.These errors are helpful to further research the literature of poetry review in Ming and Qing dynasties.
作者 冯英华 Feng Yinghua
出处 《贵州文史丛刊》 2023年第2期22-33,共12页 GUIZHOU CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL JOURNAL
关键词 《四库全书总目》 明清诗文评提要 文献征引 辨误 Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu Summary of Ming and Qing poetry and text Text review of literature reference Identification of errors
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