

Study on Fermentation Conditions of Honeysuckle Twigs and Leaves
摘要 本文以金银花嫩枝叶为原料测定发酵条件对多酚溶出的影响。通过单因素实验和正交实验确定最佳发酵条件为pH=6.25、接种2.75%乳酸链球菌、发酵5.5 d、摇床转速160 r·min^(-1),发酵液中多酚含量最多,为0.921 g·L^(^(-1))。各因素对多酚溶出的影响排序为接种量>pH值>时间>摇床转速,结果为金银花嫩枝叶中多酚提取提供实验依据。 This paper used the tender branches and leaves of honeysuckle as raw materials to determine the effect of fermentation conditions on the dissolution of polyphenols.Through single factor and orthogonal experiments,the optimal fermentation conditions were determined to be pH=6.25,inoculation with 2.75%Streptococcus lactis,fermentation for 5.5 d,and shaking speed of 160 r·min^(-1).The polyphenol content in the fermentation broth was the highest,at 0.921 g·L^(-1).The order of influencing factors is inoculation amount>pH value>time>shaking speed,providing experimental basis for extracting polyphenols from the tender branches and leaves of honeysuckle.
作者 朱会霞 代文欣 李云婷 王思垚 赵文慧 李午滕 ZHU Huixia;DAI Wenxin;LI Yunting;WANG Siyao;ZHAO Wenhui;LI Wuteng(College of Life Science,Hengshui University,Hengshui 053000,China;Hebei Province Fruit and Vegetable Fermentation Technology Innovation Center,Hengshui 053000,China)
出处 《食品安全导刊》 2023年第22期132-134,共3页 China Food Safety Magazine
基金 2022年河北省果蔬发酵技术创新中心立项项目(2022XJZX47) 2022年河北省大学生创新创业训练计划立项项目(s202210101012)。
关键词 金银花 嫩枝叶 发酵 多酚 乳酸链球菌 honeysuckle tender branches and leaves fermentation polyphenols Streptococcus lactis
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