
国际商事仲裁可仲裁事项的扩张与中国的策略选择 被引量:3

Expansion of Arbitrable Disputes in International Commercial Arbitration and China's Strategic Choices
摘要 近几十年来,在主要国际商事仲裁中心所在国的立法和司法实践中,先前不可仲裁的某些争议逐步变得可以仲裁,国际商事仲裁可仲裁事项范围呈现出不断扩张的态势。究其原因,当事人意思自治的拓展是内因,国际商事仲裁的竞争优势是外因,国家支持仲裁是推力,域外立法影响是引力。可仲裁事项扩张具有辩证效应,可能侵蚀国家司法主权,损害国家公共政策,减损裁决合法性,降低争议处理结果的确定性。我国《仲裁法》修订,可适度扩大涉外和国际仲裁可仲裁事项的范围,但应坚守不可仲裁事项的边际,强化对涉及强行法适用和公共政策的仲裁裁决的司法审查。 In the past decades,some types of disputes that could not be arbitrated traditionally have gradually become arbitrable in international commercial arbitration under the legislation,as well as in judicial practice in the countries as the main international commercial arbitration centers,reflecting a trend of continuous expansion of arbitrable disputes.With regard to the rationales of such expansion,the extension of the party autonomy principle is the inner cause,the competitive advantages of international commercial arbitration over other forms of dispute resolutions are the external cause,the state policy of supporting arbitration is the propulsive force,the influence of the extraterritorial legislation is the gravitation.However,the expansion of arbitrable disputes has dialectic effects,such as the possibilities of eroding the judicial sovereignty,damaging the public policy,impairing the legitimacy of arbitral awards,and reducing the determinacy of the outcomes of dispute resolutions.In extraterritorial and international arbitration,China might expand rationally the scope of arbitrable disputes in the Revised Arbitration Law,but should clearly define the scope of non-arbitrable disputes,enhance the judicial review on the application of compulsory laws and public policies in arbitral awards.
作者 李姗姗 LI Shanshan(School of Legal and Political Sciences,Yunnan University of Finance and Economics,Kunming 650221,China)
出处 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期152-160,共9页 Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 云南省哲学社会科学规划重点项目“‘一带一路’背景下云南省国际商事争议解决机制创新研究”(ZD201908)阶段成果。
关键词 国际商事仲裁 可仲裁事项扩张 原因 消极效应 对策 international commercial arbitration expansion of arbitrable disputes rationales negative effects coping strategies
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