
浅析专利开放许可制度若干问题 被引量:1

Analysis of Some Issue on the Patent Open License System
摘要 我国新专利法引入的开放许可制度,在践行开放共享新发展理念的同时,必然地与专利权的独占性和排他性形成了冲突,属于知识产权运用的特别情形。文章就开放许可性质、许可声明法律属性、管理部门定位等问题进行了研究分析,研究认为要让开放许可真正发挥制度性作用,须明确开放许可属于特定法律制度——特别许可,明晰许可声明的法律属性为合同要约,并充分发挥专利行政部门在信息平台建设与公共服务、信用监督以及行政调解方面的作用。 The patent open license system introduced in the new patent law of China,while practicing the new philosophy of open and inclusive development,inevitably conflicts with the exclusivity of patent.It is a special kind of intellectual property rights application.This article conducts research and analysis on the properties of the opening license,the legal attribute of license declaration,and the orientation of the government role.This study suggests that in order to make the patent open license system display the positive role,it must be clear that the patent open license system is a special license and the legal attribute of license declaration is of fer of contract,and play government roles on construction of information platform and public services,credit monitoring and administrative mediation.
作者 罗钢 LUO Gang(Zhuzhou Hongda Polymer Materials Co.,Ltd.,Zhuzhou 412007)
出处 《专利代理》 2023年第3期37-41,56,共6页 Patent Agency
关键词 开放许可 许可声明 公共服务 科技成果转化 公权力介入 patent opening license license declaration public service transformation of scientific and technological achievements public power intervening
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