
三维激光扫描技术在墙面倾斜度测量中的应用研究 被引量:2

Research on the Application of Three-dimensional Laser Scanning Technology in Wall Slope Measurement
摘要 随着城市化进程的推进,许多年久失修的老式建筑由于自身结构和外界环境影响,大都存在不同程度的倾斜,因此一定周期内常需要进行倾斜监测。传统的经纬仪、全站仪和激光铅锤仪等监测手段,存在测量效率低、受外界环境影响大等方面局限性,因此适用性较差。本文以上世纪某老式建筑物为研究对象,基于三维激光扫描技术获取待测物点云数据,然后利用平面拟合法进行墙面拟合,最后计算墙面与基准面倾斜角,研究结果对市政部门了解建筑物变形量,制定必要保护措施等具有较高的参考价值。 With the advancement of urbanization,many old-fashioned buildings in disrepair are mostly tilted to varying degrees due to their own structures and external environmental influences,so tilt monitoring is often required within a certain period.Traditional monitoring methods such as theodolite,total station and laser plumb bob have limitations in terms of low measurement efficiency and great influence by the external environment,so their applicability is poor.In this paper,an old-fashioned building in the last century is the research object,and the point cloud data of the object to be measured is obtained based on 3D laser scanning technology,and then the wall is fitted by the plane fitting method,and finally the inclination angle between the wall and the reference plane is calculated.It is of high reference value to understand the deformation of buildings and formulate necessary protection measures.
作者 相祥 钱栋 尹纯龙 相虎 张显如 XIANG Xiang;QIAN Dong;YIN Chunlong;XIANG Hu;ZHANG Xianru(Jiangsu Suzhou Institute of Geological Engineering Investigation,Suzhou 215129,China;Kunshan Wenjie Municipal Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 215300,China)
出处 《城市勘测》 2023年第5期151-153,157,共4页 Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
关键词 三维激光扫描 倾斜度测量 平面拟合法 倾斜角 3D laser scanning tilt monitoring plane fitting method tilt angle
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