
北京市海绵城市试点区雨水花园植物群落生态适应性及其应用效果 被引量:4

Ecological Adaptability and Application of Rainwater Garden Plants in Sponge City Pilot Area of Beijing City
摘要 [目的]针对已建成的城市雨水花园项目,从生物多样性的角度进行多指标调查评价,分析雨水花园植物的适应性及景观应用效果,旨在为北京地区雨水花园植物群落优化配置提供科学参考。[方法]通过实地调研,分析和掌握雨水花园植物群落的多样性特征,在定量分析的基础上构建雨水花园植物群落景观评价模型对15个典型雨水花园植物群落进行分级和评价。[结果]①北京市海绵城市试点建成区雨水花园草本植物共20科,43属,45种,优势科主要集中于菊科(Compositae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、百合科(Liliaceae)、景天科(Crassulaceae)等。试点区各样地指数数值差异较小,各调查样地草本植物丰富度相似,植物物种集中性较一致。②试点区雨水花园植物群落景观综合评价总体处于较高水平,各样地中小区类雨水花园植物群落评价明显高于道路类雨水花园植物群落景观。受所在区域地表径流污染程度的影响,不同样地植物生长情况、群落构成有所差别。[结论]未来还需加强对建成雨水花园植物的定期监测、评估,重视开发本土植物,筛选出优势物种,总结出结构稳定的植物群落配置模式与维护管理手段,为北京市雨水花园植物选择与配置提供科学参考。 [Objective]The adaptability and landscape application effects of rainwater garden plants were studied using a multi-index from a biodiversity perspective in order to provide a scientific reference for the optimal allocation of rainwater garden plant communities in Beijing City.[Methods]A field investigation was conducted to analyze and understand the diversity characteristics of rain garden plant communities.Quantitative analysis was used to construct a landscape evaluation model of rain garden plant communities to classify and evaluate 15 typical rain garden plant communities.[Results]①There were 45 species of rain garden plants belonging to 43 genera and 20 families in Beijing sponge city pilot area.The dominant plant families were mainly Compositae,Gramineae,Liliaceae,Crassulaceae,etc.There was little difference in the index values of different plots in the pilot area,the richness of herbaceous plants was similar,and the concentration of plant species was consistent in the investigated plots.②The comprehensive evaluation of the rain garden plant community landscape in the pilot area was at a high level,and the evaluation of the rain garden plant community landscape was significantly higher than that of road rain garden plant community landscape.Due to the influence of the pollution in surface runoff in the region causing differences in plant growth,the plant community structure was different at different sites.[Conclusion]In the future,it will be necessary to strengthen regular monitoring and evaluation of constructed rain garden plant communities,screen out dominant species,and summarize the stable plant community allocation patterns and maintenance management methods in order to provide a reference for the selection and configuration of rain garden plants in Beijing City.
作者 韩元 刘玲 姚一珍 吴斌 Han Yuan;Liu Ling;Yao Yizhen;Wu Bin(Shijiazhuang Capital Aqua Environment Management Co.,Ltd.,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 051430,China;Beijing Capital Eco-environment Protection Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100044,China;Beijing Mercury Environment Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100044,China;Hebei Key Laboratory of Close-to-Nature Restoration Technology of Wetlands,College of Ecology and Environment,Hebei University,Baoding,Hebei 071002,China;School of Architecture,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300110,China;Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050024,China)
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期186-194,共9页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 石家庄市科技计划项目“人工湿地组合系统水生植物碳转化关键过程与固碳效应研究”(221240223A) 河北省自然科学基金青年项目(D2021201003)。
关键词 雨水花园 植物群落 生态适应性 综合评价体系 植物配置 北京市 rain garden plant community ecological adaptability comprehensive evaluation system plant configuration Beijing City
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