
发明人网络特征、知识重组能力与企业技术创新绩效关系研究 被引量:5

The Relationship among Inventor Network Characteristics,Knowledge Reorganization and Enterprise Technological Innovation Performance
摘要 发明人网络是组织内部知识转移与交互的核心渠道,探究发明人网络特征对企业技术创新的作用机制具有重要意义。基于社会网络理论与知识重组理论,构建发明人网络特征对企业技术创新绩效的作用机制模型,利用2012-2021年汽车制造业上市公司专利数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明:发明人网络整体聚类系数与平均路径长度均正向影响企业技术创新绩效;知识重组再利用能力和创造能力在发明人网络特征与技术创新绩效关系中发挥双重中介作用;协作研发深度会强化知识重组能力对企业创新绩效的正向作用。上述研究揭示了知识重组能力与协作研发在发明人网络影响企业技术创新绩效过程中的作用机理,对企业内部网络构建和知识资源优化等具有指导作用。 To cope with the complex innovation environment in the knowledge economy,more and more innovation subjects break through the traditional communication boundaries and conduct knowledge creation,acquisition,absorption,and diffusion based on social networks to enhance their technological innovation capabilities.However,the inner influence mechanism of social relations and networks constituted by different subjects on technological innovation is not yet clear.Recent studies have focused on how inventors can enhance the innovation performance of individuals or organizations through collaborative innovation networks.Inventors are not only the main force of organizational innovation,but also the leaders of industry technology development.The improvement of inventors' technological innovation efficiency means the enhancement of organizational and industry RD capability,and as the dynamic subject of knowledge creation,integration and use,the collaborative network of inventors within an enterprise can promote the exchange between individuals and improve the efficiency of production factors,thus forming the sustainable competitive advantage of the enterprise.How to improve the technological innovation performance of enterprises through an inter-organizational inventor cooperation network has become a hot topic of research in academia and enterprise management nowadays.Therefore,this paper focuses on the inventor network within an organization to investigate the impact of inventor network characteristics on the technological innovation performance of a firm and the mechanisms through which this impact is realized.As the main carriers of innovation output,inventors' knowledge,experience and capability are important elements for knowledge reorganization,while the network relationship among inventors is an important medium for knowledge dissemination and a resource base for knowledge search and knowledge reorganization.The inventor networks with different structural relationships and their nodes will extend and improve the existing knowledge base for the exchange,transfer and interaction of different information resources,and finally realize technological innovation behaviors by enhancing and accelerating the overall knowledge reorganization efficiency of enterprises.Therefore,this paper introduces knowledge reorganization as a "bridge" between the inventor network and enterprise technology innovation performance,and it starts from the inventor network formed by the cooperative research and development of inventors within the organization,and takes enterprise technology innovation performance as the foothold,along the "resource-action-result" research paradigm based on social network theory and knowledge-based theory to build a mechanism model for inventor network characteristics to drive innovation performance through knowledge reorganization.In addition,following the theory of collaborative innovation,this paper introduces collaborative RD to cope with complex innovation,as a weighting factor,to improve and deepen the inventor network relationship model,and provide a reference for enterprises to build networks.The listed companies in the automobile manufacturing industry with high RD investment and relatively stable RD team structures are selected as research objects with 103 sample enterprises,involving 16 519 patents.To test the hypothesis,this paper adopts a stochastic negative binomial regression model to analyze the results of the study,which show that the construction of an internal inventor network with high overall clustering coefficients and a long average path length helps to form a small RD team with diversified and heterogeneous resources,thus improving the technological innovation performance of enterprises.Both reuse of knowledge reorganization and creation of knowledge reorganization play a mediating role between inventor network characteristics and firms' technological innovation performance.Collaborative RD partially moderates the positive effect of knowledge reorganization on firm technological innovation performance.This paper converts the intangible knowledge exchange into tangible network construction and reveals the "black box" between inventor network characteristics and enterprise technological innovation performance in the context of collaborative innovation.It not only extends the influence of interaction results from the individual inventor level to the enterprise level based on social network theory and enriches the scope of social network research,but also reveals the role mechanism of inventor network on the technological innovation performance of enterprises from the perspective of knowledge reorganization,and deeply explores how to make knowledge elements more efficiently transformed into technological outputs and shape the knowledge combination ability into core competitiveness.The research results have certain significance for the improvement and optimization of enterprise knowledge management activities.
作者 朱晋伟 原梦 Zhu Jinwei;Yuan Meng(School of Business,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214000,China)
机构地区 江南大学商学院
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第21期129-139,共11页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72072075)。
关键词 发明人网络 知识重组 协作研发 技术创新绩效 Inventor Network Knowledge Reorganization Collaborative Research and Development Technology Innovation Performance
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