

Study on Nitrogen Removal Efficiency and Influencing Factors of Anaerobic Iron Ammonia Oxidation
摘要 近年来,以Fe^(3+)为电子受体的厌氧铁氨氧化(Feammox)作为一种新型的生物脱氮工艺受到了研究者们的广泛关注,为了研究Feammox中氮的去除和不同条件下的脱氮效果,实验通过对厌氧氨氧化污泥进行驯化培养,以Fe^(3+)诱导厌氧氨氧化污泥启动Feammox系统,系统稳定运行后,监测Feammox系统的脱氮效果。同时分析了Fe^(3+)浓度,pH,温度,氨氮浓度对Feammox脱氮性能的影响。结果表明,当Fe^(3+)浓度为75 mg/L,pH为6,反应温度为30℃,进水氨氮浓度为75 mg/L的情况下反应器具有明显的脱氮效果,脱氮率可达到65.04%。同时也证实了Feammox在实际处理含铁氨氮废水的可行性。 In recent years,anaerobic ferric ammoxidation(Feammox),which uses Fe^(3+)as an electron acceptor,as a new biological denitrification process,has been widely concerned by researchers.In order to study the nitrogen removal in Feammox and the denitrification effects under different conditions,through domestication and cultivation of anaerobic ammonia oxidation sludge,start the Femmox system with Fe^(3+)induced anaerobic ammonia oxidation sludge.After the system runs stably,monitor the nitrogen removal effect of the Femmox system.At the same time,the effects of Fe^(3+)concentration,pH value,temperature and ammonia nitrogen concentration on the nitrogen removal performance of Feammox were analyzed experimentally.The results showed that when the concentration of Fe^(3+)was 75 mg/L,the pH value was 6,the reaction temperature was 30℃and the influent ammonia nitrogen concentration was 75 mg/L,the nitrogen removal effect is obvious,and the denitrification rate reached 65.04%.At the same time,it also confirmed the feasibility of Feammox in the actual treatment of wastewater containing iron and ammonia nitrogen.
作者 王冰 王丽鑫 高天一 WANG Bing;WANG Lixin;GAO Tianyi(School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering,Shenyang Jianzhu University,Shenyang 110168,China)
出处 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期89-93,99,共6页 Technology of Water Treatment
基金 辽宁省科技厅应用基础研究计划-应用基础研究计划基于NDFO铁氧化物生物循环的Feammox过程氮转化机制研究(2022JH2/101300120)。
关键词 厌氧铁氨氧化 氨氮转化 影响因素 脱氮效果 anaerobic iron ammonia oxidation ammonia nitrogen conversion influence factor denitrification effect
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