
基于绕组切换技术的高档数控机床电主轴 被引量:1

High Grade CNC Machine Tool Electric Spindle Based on Winding Switching Technology
摘要 高档数控机床的迅猛发展对配套电主轴的性能提出了既要满足低速粗加工时的重切削,又要在高速切削时精加工的极致要求,基于电机学原理,提出了搭载绕组切换的技术是高档数控机床电主轴能同时满足以上要求的有效手段,并在电密和热负荷接近的前提下对比了8/4变极双绕组切换方案和4极单绕组方案,得出了双绕组切换方案的低速转矩提升了约15%,并能在高速段与单绕组方案的带载能力持平的有利结果。最后应用CT公司的HS71系列高速主轴驱动器对一台搭载8/4变极双绕组切换功能的高档数控机床电主轴进行了驱动切换应用测试,监控表明整体切换过程平顺,转速扰动小,电流冲击低,没有对电主轴造成不利影响,拓宽和解决了绕组切换技术的驱动应用问题。 The rapid development of high-end CNC machine tools has put forward the ultimate requirements for the performance of supporting electric spindles to meet both heavy cutting during low-speed rough machining and precision machining during high-speed cutting.Based on the principle of electrical machinery,it is expounded that winding switching technology is an effective means for high-end CNC machine tool electric spindles to simultaneously meet the above requirements.Under the premise of nearly equal electrical density and thermal load,a comparison is made between the 8/4 pole variable dual winding switching scheme and the 4 pole single winding scheme.The results show that the low speed torque of the dual winding switching scheme is increased by about 15%,in addition,the load carrying capacity of the single winding scheme can be kept at the same level in the high-speed section.Finally,the HS71 series high-speed spindle driver from CT company is used to conduct a drive switching application test on a high-end CNC machine tool electric spindle equipped with 8/4 pole changing dual winding switching function.The monitoring shows that the overall switching process is smooth,with small rotational speed disturbance,and low current impact,without any adverse impact on the electric spindle,which broaden and solve the driving application problem of winding switching technology.
作者 薛建 程振涛 雷群 曾明 Xue Jian;Cheng Zhentao;Lei Qun;Zeng Ming(Guangzhou Haozhi Industrial Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 511356,China)
出处 《机电工程技术》 2023年第10期290-293,共4页 Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology
基金 国家重点研发计划(2022YFB3402700)。
关键词 高档数控机床电主轴 绕组切换技术 8/4变极双绕组 HS71系列高速主轴驱动器 high grade CNC machine tool electric spindle winding switching technology 8/4 pole changing dual winding HS71 series highspeed spindle drive
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