
美国经济制裁缅甸背景下中资企业的风险与应对 被引量:1

Risks and Countermeasures of Chinese Enterprises under the Background of US Economic Sanctions Against Myanmar
摘要 自1998年缅甸发生“8888事件”以来,以美国为首的西方国家阵营对缅甸长期实行了不同程度的制裁政策。美国通过实施一系列制裁法案与多种经济制裁手段,不仅对缅甸经济发展造成了负面影响,还损害了缅甸投资贸易合作伙伴的利益。我国企业需要充分了解美国经济制裁对其在缅投资利益的相关风险,采取包括对交易对手进行合规审查、建立制裁风险合规管理体系、运用我国法律法规维权等措施,最大程度地规避风险或降低制裁带来的伤害,合理合法地维护投资企业自身的经济利益。 Since the“8888 incident”in Myanmar in 1998,the Western camp led by the United States has imposed sanctions on Myanmar to varying degrees for a long time.Through the implementation of a series of sanctions bills and various economic sanctions,the United States has not only negatively affected Myanmar's economic development,but also harmed the interests of Myanmar's investment and trading partners.Chinese enterprises need to fully understand the risks related to US economic sanctions on their investment interests in Myanmar,and take measures including compliance review of counterparties,establishment of sanctions risk compliance management system,and use China's laws and regulations to protect rights to minimize risks or reduce the harm caused by sanctions,reasonably and legally safeguard the economic interests of investment enterprises themselves.
作者 张玲 寸雨琳梓 ZHANG Ling;CUN Yulinzi(School of Law and Political Science,Yunnan University of Finance and Economics,Kunming,Yunnan 650000,China)
出处 《宜宾学院学报》 2023年第11期19-28,共10页 Journal of Yibin University
关键词 经济制裁 制裁风险 美国连接点 应对机制 economic sanctions sanctions risk American connection point coping mechanism
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