

Analysis of Five Topics in Multi-Scale Identification of Landscape Characters in Europe
摘要 【目的】风景特质识别是进行全域风景保护、规划与管理的基础性工作之一,具有综合主观判断与客观属性的特点。系统梳理欧洲多尺度识别中定性与定量、主观与客观之间的关系,对中国全域风景特质的识别具有借鉴意义。【方法】通过文献归纳与演绎,分析风景特质定义引申出的识别主体、要素类别、感知方式、识别方法、图解形式5项议题。【结果】阐述了多尺度风景特质的层级特征,总结了宏观到微观尺度下移过程中5项议题的变化模式:识别主体由专家转向公众转变;要素类别由自然向文化转变;感知方式由间接向直接转变;识别方法由数字向人工转变;图解形式由科学性向科普性转变。归纳了多尺度识别的公式化表达。【结论】以尺度作为转变载体,解析了综合主观性和客观性的多尺度风景特质识别的基本路径,为全域风景的多样性、连续性和地域性保护、规划与管理提供帮助。 ness to concreteness and from coarser resolution to more detailed resolution.The process of downscaling is accompanied by a change of concerns such as elements,participants,and methods adopted.From the downscaling perspective,different concerns of the above five topics can be synthesized.As a result,this research summarizes the patterns of changes in five topics during the transition from macro to micro scales:the shift in identification participants from experts to the general public;the shift of cognition modes from indirect cognition to direct cognition;the shift in element composition from natural factors to cultural factors;the shift in identification methods from digital division to human interpretation;and the shift of graphic forms from scientific graphic to science popularization graphic.The key difficulties and priorities of each topic are also explained.Drawing on the European Landscape Character Assessment Initiative(ELCAI),this research clarifies the basic framework of landscape characterization in a formulaic language to serve multi-scale landscape characterization tasks in a more holistic and clear way.The idea of multi-scale landscape identification can be succinctly expressed by the following equation:Characterization=f(P(t),F(t),C(t),M(t),G(t)).The equation has six independent variables of P,F,C,M,G,and t,respectively indicating identification participant,factor category,cognition mode,identification method,graphic mode,and time depth.[Conclusion]As to the relationship between man and nature,Chinese philosophy has been emphasizing the“unity of man and nature”.In the current Anthropocene stage,the Eastern and Western views of landscape concept have moved from conceptual division to integration,and this unification of landscape epistemology is the basis for the research of landscape character theory in China.Nowadays,the significance of effective protection and management of regional traditional landscape has been widely recognized worldwide,and the evolution of landscape degradation brought about by globalization and rapid urbanization has become a common challenge faced by all countries.In addition to innovative ideas for the protection,planning and management of territorial landscape,ELC and LCA have also brought about the challenge of systematically identifying and assessing landscape.Taking scale as the carrier for shifting,this research systematically analyzes the objectivity and subjectivity of landscape character identification,with a view to contributing to the protection and management of the diversity,continuity,and locality characters of territorial landscape in the context of China’s territorial spatial planning.
作者 杨叠川 高翅 LI Zheng;YANG Diechuan;GAO Chi(School of Landscape Architecture,Beijing Forestry University;College of Horticulture&Forestry Sciences,Huazhong Agricultural University)
出处 《风景园林》 北大核心 2024年第1期14-22,共9页 Landscape Architecture
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“庐山自然保护地及其周边区域整体保护与协同规划研究”(编号2662021YLQD002) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“‘生态-社会’耦合下的国土空间治理与农业智能决策”(编号2662021JC002)。
关键词 风景特质评估 欧洲风景公约 多尺度 风景保护 风景规划 风景管理 landscape character assessment Europe Landscape Convention multi-scale landscape protection landscape planning landscape management
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