
社会主义革命和建设时期(1949—1976)中国观演建筑外部形态特征研究 被引量:1

The External Morphological Characteristics of Chinese Performance Architecture Du ring the Socialist Revolution a nd Construction Period(1949-1976)
摘要 在社会主义革命和建设时期(1949—1976),新中国完成了从“农业大国”到“工业大国”的历史巨变。这其中,观演建筑作为承载这一时期群众生活文化建设的物质载体,见证了其中的历史思潮发展,并直观体现在其外部形态特征上。该文拟通过文献查阅厘清全国观演建筑分布特征,并进一步从构图形式和风格特征两个方面对其外部形态特征展开研究,分析其不同形式背后的特定内涵与文化,既为当下建筑设计的多元化语境提供历史依据,也为相关部门对这一特定时期的历史建筑评价提供参考依据。 During the period of socialist revolution and construction(1949—1976),New China completed the great historical change from"agricultural power"to"industrial power".Among them,the performance architecture,as a material carrier carrying the cultural construction of the masses in this period,witnessed the development of historical thought and was intuitively reflected in its external morphological characteristics.We intend to clarify the distribution characteristics of national spectator architecture through literature review,and further study the external morphological characteristics from two aspects of composition form and style characteristics,then we analyze the specific connotation and culture behind their different forms,which not only provides a historical basis for the diversified context of current architectural design,but also provides a reference basis for relevant departments to evaluate historical buildings in this specific period.
作者 陈李波 张宇静 方志诚 徐宇甦 Chen Libo;Zhang Yujing;Fang Zhicheng;Xu Yusu
出处 《华中建筑》 2024年第1期26-30,共5页 Huazhong Architecture
基金 武汉市社科基金重点项目“城市历史印象:武汉市社会主义革命与建设时期优秀建筑调查与艺术文化价值研究”(编号:20211006)。
关键词 社会主义革命和建设时期(1949—1976) 观演建筑 外部形态特征 The Period of Socialist Revolution and Construction(1949-1976) Performance architecture External morphological features
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